Black Metal.

Okay Graveland fans...

I have Thousand Swords, Immortal Pride, and Dawn Of Iron Blades, and I'm trying to figure out which one to go for next. I'm pretty sure all of the albums will be available at Metal Haven. I recently have bought stuff from Veles and Ildjarn, so I've pretty much had my fill of lo-fi stuff for the time being. I'm probably not interested in anything pre-TS right now. I like Immortal Pride, but am somewhat disappointed with there being only two real songs on it. It's also too easy to lose focus during a 20 minute song. I enjoy the approach on DoIB, but the production is lacking. It seems quiet to the point that it sucks intensity out of (what should be) heavy riffs. I also wish the rhythm guitar was heavier relative to the lead.

Are any other albums along those lines? I like Darken's sense of melody, so feel free to recommend anything that sounds sort of similar.
Definitely check out Fire Chariot Of Destruction. It is rather hi-fi for a Graveland album and contains some of his "catchiest" and most epic work.
Also, listening to Nazgul - De Expugnatione Elfmuth. I've gotten over the shitty vox, this is fucking awesome.
Okay Graveland fans...

I have Thousand Swords, Immortal Pride, and Dawn Of Iron Blades, and I'm trying to figure out which one to go for next. I'm pretty sure all of the albums will be available at Metal Haven. I recently have bought stuff from Veles and Ildjarn, so I've pretty much had my fill of lo-fi stuff for the time being. I'm probably not interested in anything pre-TS right now. I like Immortal Pride, but am somewhat disappointed with there being only two real songs on it. It's also too easy to lose focus during a 20 minute song. I enjoy the approach on DoIB, but the production is lacking. It seems quiet to the point that it sucks intensity out of (what should be) heavy riffs. I also wish the rhythm guitar was heavier relative to the lead.

Are any other albums along those lines? I like Darken's sense of melody, so feel free to recommend anything that sounds sort of similar.

If you're interested in the heaviest Graveland album look no further than The Fire of Awakening.
But not as intense, Mgla is on a more simplistic straightforward level while Ondskapt has quite a few layers IMO.
The guy from Mgla used to post on the noise board I'm a regular of :p He is apparently a decently big figure in Polish experimental/noise.
There has been a few black metal acts that have been also in the noise scene lately. Namely Clandestine Blaze,Ash Pool, and of course, Mgla.