Black Metal.

They're chantier.

P.S. I just found out that some versions of Black One apparently come with a live disc featuring Attila on two tracks ("Wine & Fog" and "Vlad Tepes").
Attila appears with them live often. He also performed at an exhibition with O'Malley and whatever the other fag's name is as well.
Malefic was quite unhappy with Moribund as well. Apparently not getting much money at all despite what must have been really good sales. Regarding Southern Lord, I guess he didn't feel like he was fairly compensated for vocal work touring with Sunn 0))). I don't know how much he could have expected to get for that anyway. Although he's a strong live vocalist, I doubt he had that much impact on ticket/merch sales.

I think part of what looks like Xasthur's prolific release output is an attempt to get out of that contract as fast as possible, hence the many releases in 2004, and those releases having a fair amount of rerecordings. This somewhat validates the sameyness complaints about Xasthur releases. There's a good chance he was just trying to rush them out. It's most obvious with To Violate The Oblivious. The material on Subliminal Genocide was way better. The material on the non-Moribund splits is also really good.

I only spoke with Scott once in 2005 and he was angry at Moribund because Subliminal Genocide was leaked on the internet like 6 months before the official release date and it was leaked by some guys who actually work at Moribund. I guess you can still find the promo via soulseek.
The Arckanum CD re-issues, along with the vinyl version of Trulen arrived today. I've only listened to Fran Marder and Kostogher as of the moment, but I have to say I am very much enjoying this band. Definitely a worthwhile pick-up. I can certainly see them growing to be favourites of mine. Thanks, Alter/V5!

FYI to people buying the discs. The tracklisting to Kampen is different than any I've heard of before. The first disc has the majority of the tracks and the last one has like 20 minutes worth. I think FMP pressed them like that just to go with the original (funny because that was a mistake in the first place). Still, it is semi-lame because the material could've fit on one disc (73 min or so).
On this issue, iTunes decides to come up with the following as the track listing (after I've corrected any apparent gramatical / spelling errors):

Disc 1:
Kamps Tekn
Pa Gruvstiigher Vandrum
Minir Natz Fughlir
Trulfylket, Raþz Ok Os
Þe Hæmpndlystnir Fran Dimban
Nær Ok Fiær

Disc 2:
Skipu Vidit Dunkel
þær Vindanir Dvælies
Sangin Kaos

This is not only completely different from what's listed on the case, but there also appears to be an entire track/song missing (Tronan Yvir þusand Landskaps Mark). Has this been divided into the Intro and the Outro tracks, or am I just oblivious to something somewhere and this is correct? Is anyone able/prepared to shed any light on this?

Also, the production to Kostogher is still the same, how it was intended; very very quiet, with the booming thunder at the end of the first track which wrecks speakers ill-prepared for the assault!
Yes, I see what you mean about this. It may just be because I use headphones and not speakers, but the booming thunder sounded quite pathetic compared to how I thought it would sound. Which leaves me rather irratated by the low volume - but thankfully it's an easily dealt with issue.
The thunder sounds amazing on a stereo with a good subwoofer; listen to it in your car if it has a CD player...having only been exposed to it on the computer beforehand, I almost drove off road when it boomed my speakers out. Ridiculous! Thankfully it's just the volume that is low, the production is actually amazing. So CRANK IT!

Regarding the tracklisting, there is no outro. I have checked again to verify that track 3 is indeed Frana. There is another version of this song on the Arckanum/Svartsyn with different lyrics and it's a minute less than the one on Kampen; also the lyrics in the booklet for Frana in the re-issue of Kampen match up to the lyrics of track 3).

Tronan Yvir þusand Landskaps Mark is on the album. It is listed on the back as being after Frana (so, track 4). Whoever tagged that is weird. It's a very fucking confusing affair, indeed, but this seems right.
Ah, I see. Well unfortunately I currently hae no means of playing it anywhere other than the computer. But good to know that the reason for the low volume is rather more substantial when played in a better environment. Your experience with it in the car sounds like it must have been rather fun (in a 'Dear God, I might've called myself ad everyone else' kind of way, of course.)

Yes, that would seem to make the most sense then. How and where that person came up with "Outro" I'll never know. And that's what threw me off the most, really. Ah well, it's all cleared up now anyway. Thanks for looking into that for me, V5! It's very much appreciated! :)
Opinions on Megiddo? I have both their full lengths, never bothered to give them a proper listen.
Megiddo rules! I've got most things they've released. I like the Atavism of Evil the most I think. Try to get a copy of The Final War compilation too, Sacrifice (The Blood Rites) on it is their best song ever!
Who has the Funeral Mist "Salvation" LP? I fucking want this vinyl. I'll trade my Drudkh "Krov u nashykh Krynytsyakh " ("Blood In Our Wells") for it.