Black Metal.

Currently, I am listening to Wrath of the Weak - Alogon. It is very free form and "post" like. It is for sure an interesting listen. I am not sure this will make my top ten for the year yet, but this is some powerful stuff. Fans of Sunn 0))), Nadja, Xasthur, Wolves In The Throne Room and Leviathan, check this out
I havent really listened to my Vrani Volosa cds since I got them but suddenly wow'd. Vedi and their Bulgarian titled CD is fucking amazing, any fans of Primordial should find them now!
Mathiäs;7335149 said:
Uh, SMRC is their best by far imo

yeah, I like that one best of the two I have (I was referring to that and Fas when I mentioned "the latest full lengths")

will give inquisitors and the manifestations releases a listen asap
Anyone else think Filosofem starts off promising and ends poorly? Dunkelheit, Jesus' Tot and Erblicket are great songs, but the rest just drags on and tires me. I certainly don't like the freaking 25 minutes of repetitiveness on Rundgang.

Am I missing something?
Anyone else think Filosofem starts off promising and ends poorly? Dunkelheit, Jesus' Tot and Erblicket are great songs, but the rest just drags on and tires me. I certainly don't like the freaking 25 minutes of repetitiveness on Rundgang.

Am I missing something?

I think you're missing ears that work properly, since I consider that to be a near flawless album.
Regarding Deathspell Omega:

The first two (Inquisitors of Satan and Infernal Battles) are, for me, mediocre: typical Transilvanian Hunger-derived black metal that I've heard hundreds of times before. However, everything after those two is mandatory.

Regarding Filosofem:

That album is flawless. Keep listening, you'll get it.