Black Metal.

no one in extreme metal seems able to agree on what constitutes good vocals...

btw, I sampled some of the Manifestations 2002 stuff ("procreation epidemic" and "monotonous ecstasy of death") courtesy of youtube, sounds pretty cool! One more question, though: as I understand it, Manifestations 2002 is actually new tracks written for an LP that never came to fruition, and is essentially an LP in its own right, whereas 2000-1 is a bunch repackaged tracks from some older splits they did. Has anyone heard the splits? Would it be worth picking them up separately for the other bands involved (Moonblood and Mutiilation), or should I just try and get the DSO compilation?

oh, another random BM-related comment: On the new Leviathan, the leaked track names were MUCH cooler than the names on the final release. In particular, "Flagellum Raised To The Sky" > "Vulgar Asceticism."
have you read the reviews of or listened to Nuit Noire?

edit: I'll admit, the vocals have gotten better, but the vocals on Lunar Deflagration are still pretty ridiculous
shit band

I'm sorry

shit vocalist :)

It is basically pretty stupid, but fun to listen to. And since I can tolerate Melt-Banana's vocals I can tolerate NN's :p

If you don't like "Rundtgåing..." you are not getting the album. It's an amazing piece of work; best listened to on headphones, alone! I also think both Decrepitudes are amazing...hell I even think Dungeons of Darkness on Burzum/Aske is fuckin' great!


Infernal Battles is good but not great. Inquisitors... pretty much slays; Torture & Death is a really, really great song, and Desecration Master will keep you rocking and rolling along with the pace...overall, awesome imo, best of their early solo works!

As for splits, the fucking split with Clandestine Blaze is phenomenal. The Suicide Curse by DSO is one of their BEST. EVER. songs, so don't miss it. CB side is CB-ish, you're not missing anything; it's just Mikko (now vocals for DSO) solo doing Darkthrone-sounding BM with cool vocals. DO NOT buy the Moonblood/DSO split if it's CD; it's a bootleg (no authorized Moonblood stuff is available on compact disc; only record and tape). Enjoy.
Nuit Noire is one of very few bands I've heard that manage to sound so terrible that they actually become very cool and fun to listen to.
Filosofem is great. I actually really like the way that album progresses. You should approach that album as you would an ambient album, rather than how you might approach a typical bm album. It's actually my second favorite Burzum record (my first favorite is of course HLTO).
Yeah, their early works were decent Darkthrone worship and their manifestations releases have what is their best work by far.

Fucking absolutely. It depresses me that they never originally released Manifestations 2002 as a direct follow up to Inquisitors of Satan all those years back. Instead they see it fit to release worthless pieces of horseshit like Fas... Fuck that. It's an insult to all the fans of their original style and an insult to the very name of Deathspell Omega.
Anyone else think Filosofem starts off promising and ends poorly? Dunkelheit, Jesus' Tot and Erblicket are great songs, but the rest just drags on and tires me. I certainly don't like the freaking 25 minutes of repetitiveness on Rundgang.

Am I missing something?

yeah you are missing something
that 25 minutes is supposed to be that way... its supposed to be hypnotic... not 'interesting'
and the closing track is my fav on the album
My favorite Deathspell Omega release is without a doubt SMRC, and the Manifestations releases come in a close second. Strangely though, I'm in the middle of the road when it comes to Fas.... Though it happens often with many albums that receive the type of attention it does, I rarely see people refer to it as simply "just good", which is how I feel. I don't find it aesthetically or artistically repugnant like many do, but don't see what makes it such a sincere work of unbridled chaos as others will say.
Kenose is just much better than Fas... in every respect. It's probably the best example of that sort of technical, dissonant, chaotic black metal to date. It's really consistent, which can't be said of other releases in that style.
I got Kenose a long time ago before I liked any BM and didn't enjoy it. Been focusing on the full lengths of late, should definately dig up that EP again.

My favorite Deathspell Omega release is without a doubt SMRC, and the Manifestations releases come in a close second. Strangely though, I'm in the middle of the road when it comes to Fas.... Though it happens often with many albums that receive the type of attention it does, I rarely see people refer to it as simply "just good", which is how I feel. I don't find it aesthetically or artistically repugnant like many do, but don't see what makes it such a sincere work of unbridled chaos as others will say.

I enjoy Fas. I think it lacks some of the control that made tracks from SMRC so listenable (CARNAL MALEFACTOR! :headbang:) but it's certainly not "aesthetically repugnant." Fas is definately a more dissonant record, but there's still plenty there to like.

I agree with that latter bit, as well. It's like the typical user-review site, where everyone either throws in a ten or a one; when expectations are as high as they were for Fas, it seems like a lot of listeners lose their objectivity. There's no middle ground, which is where it really fits.

Also, given how much I'm enjoying Manifestations 2002, I should probably make picking up Inquisitors a priority!