Black Metal.

oh noes!! The world's most feared, evil, satanic icon (namely Gaahl) has finally admitted that he's gay...from feared to queered, he's teh new Merlin Mundson.

No, but seriously I just read an article on blabbermouth...definitely an interesting read. He also talks about his life as a gansta, and how he had been a (virginal) "lone wolf" for 32 years.

Haha, I can just picture it now. A new black metal revolution: Grim frostbitten kingdoms replaced with daisies and rainbows.

Groza III kicks tons of ass. I really dig this track a lot.

Edit: as it turns out IV kicks tons of ass too! Upon first listen of this album

I think it's an excellent thing, I wonder if more guys in black metal are going to come out because of this.

I think there are tons of idiots within the black metal fanbase who are quite superficial though. I'm sure you're bound to get some people saying they never liked Gaahl anyway, and whatever else.