Black Metal.

Excellent band. Kim Carlsson is very fucking cool & a great vocalist.

The upbeat side you're hearing is the pop influence. Buy all the albums, great band.
I really dislike Lifelover, despite enjoying black metal and the other types of music that influence Lifelover's music a lot.
Jeez there are some real fucking ignorant people in this world. From Code666's site:

I don't see how the police would have any right to cancel any of their shows based on the fact that they could potentially sympathize with some Nazi ideals.
Almost any European black metal band that incorporates folk influences and/or has lyrics/imagery dealing with their heritage, European heathenry, and whatnot has to field questions about being National Socialists or racists. It just comes with the territory. I'm not all that familiar with Negura Bunget but I take it that they're the sort of band that we would expect to be confronted with these sorts of questions and accusations.
Weird. I don't think there's anything even suggestive about them. It probably is just by association with other bands from that region.

And people on this site say that the US is restrictive.... That kind of thing would not happen here.
Almost any European black metal band that incorporates folk influences and/or has lyrics/imagery dealing with their heritage, European heathenry, and whatnot has to field questions about being National Socialists or racists. It just comes with the territory. I'm not all that familiar with Negura Bunget but I take it that they're the sort of band that we would expect to be confronted with these sorts of questions and accusations.

:lol: @ Cythraul's avatar
Been listening to Mayhem-"De Mysteriis" today. Sad to say today was the first time I've heard it. It just rules. I've read that some people don't like Attila's vocals on this, but I gotta say they are perfect for the music. Great album, and I'm sad I'd never heard it before.
Attila Csihar has one of the most unique voices in black metal. I can't really praise him enough.
He was pretty awesome on Ordo Ad Chao, which has probably his most diverse performances ever.
Weird. I don't think there's anything even suggestive about them. It probably is just by association with other bands from that region.

And people on this site say that the US is restrictive.... That kind of thing would not happen here.

I doesn't have as much with being restrictive to do as it has to do with the satisfaction people get from being politically correct.