Black Metal.

i dont download. ill stick to my old ways of actually supporting the artists by buying physical media. ill leave the downloading to the kiddies and hipsters.

if only these downloaders had been around in the 80s and 90s....
Is it really an outlandish concept for you people go, say, go without hearing an album if you can't buy it, or, hell, even waiting until you buy an album to listen to it? Do you have that much of a short attention span that you can't be content with what you already own?

Not downloading an album at all and downloading an album because you literally don't have the money to buy it are ethically on a par. The issue really does not arise in this sort of case. If I download an album I am not taking any tangible thing to which a monetary value can be attached. I can only see a problem arising where one has plenty of money yet does not buy any albums. I mean, if I had literally no money to spend on any album am I just supposed to not listen to music or what? Is it wrong for me to accept an album that a friend of mine has copied onto cdr for me? I think you are being incredibly obstinate here.
I mean, if I had literally no money to spend on any album am I just supposed to not listen to music or what? Is it wrong for me to accept an album that a friend of mine has copied onto cdr for me?

yes. we need to go back to pre-internet myspace metal
fair enough, i apologize if the disposer of posers got butthurt

carry on

If expecting my points to be engaged in a thoughtful way amounts to being butthurt, then so be it. Anyway, I confine my posturing to cases where it's relevant, e.g. when somebody recommends Soulfly or something of that nature.
it's cool. i was playing more than anything. but i think when these people say that buying a cd may starve them, they are exaggerating just a bit. it's not like a $12 cd is gonna bust the checking account.

here's another thought, if one cannot afford cds, how does this person afford the internet, assuming we arent talking college kids or internet cafe "art students"?

just saying that their are ways to be more frugal when it comes to certain things. quit buying beer, cigarettes, weed.....
i dont download. ill stick to my old ways of actually supporting the artists by buying physical media. ill leave the downloading to the kiddies and hipsters.

if only these downloaders had been around in the 80s and 90s....

I own 470+ CDs, plenty of records, etc. and have bought plenty direct from labels and bands, including ones in the scene I am part of as a recording artist myself (noise/experimental electronics). I also download a lot. Am I not supporting artists then? Additionally, as an extra courtesy to the bands and to my hard drive, I delete the mp3s of albums I bought after having heard them only in file form. I also don't rip CDs/don't listen to ripped copies of CDs, because I feel it hurts the experience. I like to thumb through the booklets of my favorite bands' albums and read who they gave shout outs to, helps me find more music to check out further. Maybe I'll download some of the stuff I see there. So fucking what? I would never have bothered with them in the first place if the music wasn't readily available for me to see if I even enjoy before I drop my hard-earned money on it. I guess here the Myspace argument (preview it on Myspace, don't d/l the entire thing) works but I just don't like to do that; I like to listen to things at my own pace, throw them on a playlist and cruise through the album a few times to see if I'll like it. Maybe I won't buy it, maybe I'll just keep the files. Does this suddenly make me a bad person? Not at all. I own a shitload of music, I have supported and will continue to support hundreds of bands across the globe by buying their music, but I won't stop downloading as a means of supplementing my knowledge and experience with music. Fuck the elitist anti-download crowd. Rot in hell.
I own 470+ CDs, plenty of records, etc. and have bought plenty direct from labels and bands, including ones in the scene I am part of as a recording artist myself (noise/experimental electronics). I also download a lot. Am I not supporting artists then? Additionally, as an extra courtesy to the bands and to my hard drive, I delete the mp3s of albums I bought after having heard them only in file form. I also don't rip CDs/don't listen to ripped copies of CDs, because I feel it hurts the experience. I like to thumb through the booklets of my favorite bands' albums and read who they gave shout outs to, helps me find more music to check out further. Maybe I'll download some of the stuff I see there. So fucking what? I would never have bothered with them in the first place if the music wasn't readily available for me to see if I even enjoy before I drop my hard-earned money on it. I guess here the Myspace argument (preview it on Myspace, don't d/l the entire thing) works but I just don't like to do that; I like to listen to things at my own pace, throw them on a playlist and cruise through the albuma few times to see if I'll like it. Maybe I won't buy it, maybe I'll just keep the files. Does this suddenly make me a bad person? Not at all. I own a shitload of music, I have supported and will continue to support hundreds of bands across the globe by buying their music, but I won't stop downloading as a means of supplementing my knowledge and experience with music. Fuck the elitist anti-download crowd. Rot in hell.

tl;dr, you are a poser.
I think the point was aimed at people who download exclusively, not those who do it casually but also buy the music from the artist. I don't download, but if I so choose it would be just to see if I want to buy the CD or not. If you download, that's fine. But buy CDs. I own around 400-450 CDs myself, so I think I'd be justified in downloading a couple songs to decide whether or not to buy another.

Anyway, don't take offense if you aren't doing anything wrong. Like V5, you buy CDs, so if you download to decide to buy a CD, what's the problem? There is none. But one who is downloading entire albums and never buying them...that's not right.
Well, there are plenty of CDs I have in mp3 form that I don't really plan to buy any time soon; they're low priority. I mean, sure I'd like to own EVERY SINGLE THING I've heard, and, in fact, if I had a million bucks tax-free, I would spend as much as I could without neglecting other necessities on physical music. I love purchasing music. It's probably one of the things I like most in life. Like half of my pathetic paycheck a week goes to it; I hardly save any money, and I'm well-aware this will come back to kick my ass in the future, but I don't regret buying anything I have (except the shit that sucks that I didn't have the sense to "try before I bought", ironically!). Anyway, I really don't have a big fucking moral crisis by downloading ("stealing" as anti-download faggots like to call it), I just do it because I have been for years and it's the way I like experiencing and collecting music.

edit you can't read a penis, tbh
i wont go into how many cds i buy a week but.. i really couldnt care less if people want to download and not buy. I'm sorry but music was meant to be heard, and i don't look down on people because they download music. Maybe if they brag about Mp3s thats a different story but, downloading music isnt going to stop bands from making music. I tend to download leaks of bands i like. I really don't give a fuck if you want to look down on me for it.
I like buying albums, but I also download music. I like owning the ones that I like more than just downloading them.

I've only ever downloaded leaked albums if the band themselves leaked it or sent it to me, but I do download things on a fairly regular basis, though I try to buy any of them that I listen to with any kind of regularity and not just once or twice and never again, even though it's not in my financial means to buy all of them. I also buy a lot of things that I've never heard before based solely on the opinions of people that I know.

I agree that music was meant to be heard, and I think that downloading is only a major issue when people brag about how many albums they have downloaded or when people act like buying albums is pointless or stupid. People who never buy anything are annoying.

I can fully respect the moral opinions of people who don't like to download music, but I don't have to agree with them. We can still get along and enjoy the same music.
Is it really an outlandish concept for you people go, say, go without hearing an album if you can't buy it, or, hell, even waiting until you buy an album to listen to it? Do you have that much of a short attention span that you can't be content with what you already own?

Yes, that's the alternative, and I certainly have thought about this. However, I concluded that...

Not downloading an album at all and downloading an album because you literally don't have the money to buy it are ethically on a par...I can only see a problem arising where one has plenty of money yet does not buy any albums...I think you are being incredibly obstinate here.

In conclusion:

If you download, that's fine. But buy CDs.

Look, we figured this out together!


if only these downloaders had been around in the 80s and 90s....

it aint the 80s or 90s.