Black Metal.

Hey look, you said something stupid. Awesome.

Elaborate, I'm sure it will be as insightful as that post.

Also, I am pretty sure you've downloaded some stuff before, and you've sent stuff to people who didn't have the "rights" to it. Personally I find the whole rights thing a total appeal to authority for no reason; hardly any metal is even covered under the RIAA. Your philosophical stance on not having the "right" to the music you download doesn't really have a place in a discussion re: listening to/otherwise experiencing art of any kind. Law and art don't really overlap, and like I said, it's a silly appeal to authority anyway.
So listening to Throne of Ahaz's Nifelheim for about the millionth time right now I realised I never bothered to check out their next full length. Is it worth hearing?
Has anyone heard Force of Darkness - S/T? this is awesome black/thrash. The packaging is pretty cool too, the CD comes in a 7" gatefold with a poster.
I used to think this, but I've found it works the other way around for me because I have bought albums I would not have know about if not for downloading.

Pretty much.

With a college kid's income and the cost of food, housing, and decent beer and whiskey these days, I can download or just not listen to most of this sort of music. I love making Newbury Comics runs and buying a ton of shit every now and then as a gift to myself, and if an album is really good I'll do what i can to get a physical copy, but it's just not possible to do that with a lot of music.

That's the way shit is these days, artists who care about profit are going to need to adapt, and good fans will do what they can to support underground acts by going to shows and buying the merch they can afford. Nostalgia is understandable but it doesn't really help.
Is it really an outlandish concept for you people go, say, go without hearing an album if you can't buy it, or, hell, even waiting until you buy an album to listen to it? Do you have that much of a short attention span that you can't be content with what you already own?
Is it really an outlandish concept for you people go, say, go without hearing an album if you can't buy it, or, hell, even waiting until you buy an album to listen to it? Do you have that much of a short attention span that you can't be content with what you already own?

I don't have a massive collection, probably something like 150 CDs, but rarely do I look at the shelf and not find something I want to hear, or something I should revisit.
I'm in a similar situation to S<issors... I buy them when I can. Including the albums I've already downloaded. One day I hope to own all (or as many as humanly possible) of the albums currently residing on my hard drive.

When I was actually working full time in 07 I'd buy 10 to 20 CD's just about every week... chances are I'll resume that reckless money spending next year. Nothing quite tops holding the physical CD/packaging in your hands and looking at the artwork while you crank it on the stereo...

Until then, I'll continue feeding my "short attention span" via those evil blogs.