Black Metal.

You mean the new Blut aus Nord was nothing special.

The new Funeral Mist is fucking great, it's really a genre of it's own.

Sure, it's not going to please depressive/slow paced black metal fans.

No, Funeral Mist is another trend-riding, plastic orthodox black metal band. Sure it won't impressive slow-paced black metal fans but that does not mean that Funeral Mist is not playing a trendy form of black metal. I don't see what Funeral Mist is doing for their(his?) music to have it's own genre. Care to explain this absurd statement?

That being said, I think the new Funeral Mist is average, nothing special but not horrid.
Hey Mikko, what "new genre" are they? You're extremely educated, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on this. I bet they'll be laughable as fuck.
I say decent. Whatever.

Belketre - "The Dark Promise" is a bitching track. Ambre Zuerkl Vuordhrevarhtre is pretty good also as a whole.
I remember seeing a few LLN reissues at Metal Haven once but those are long gone. Most of it is bootleg but just go for it because the quality is pretty fucking high. I find Belketre to be one of the few good LLN bands.
I'm pretty sure all of those were bootlegs except for that one split that was somewhat widely released. They cost a lot too for some reason, just like the Moonblood cds. Probably exploiting people too stupid to know that they're bootlegs.