Black Metal.

Elysian Blaze - Levitating the Carnal is a pretty neat album. The pacing is a bit of an issue, and the production is dim, but it regularly brings some quality melodies. Are any of the others that good? I have Cold Walls... already, which is alright, but much less mature.
Cold Walls and Apparitions is worth some listens. It still has a rather thin, clean sound, with lots of echo. Lacks the piano parts that really made LtC stand out. Well, the piano is there, but mostly in the interludes. It doesn't carry the melodies like in LtC.
Fuck, Omni's compilation she sent me makes me feel like I missed out on a lot of good recent BM. Dark Tribe and Lunar Aurora in particular.

But I guess despite her awesome tastes and intelligence she's too useless a poster to grace us with her presence...
Fuck, Omni's compilation she sent me makes me feel like I missed out on a lot of good recent BM. Dark Tribe and Lunar Aurora in particular.

But I guess despite her awesome tastes and intelligence she's too useless a poster to grace us with her presence...

Except she picks fights with over half of her posts here.