Black Metal.

No, the best place to order it is fucking CANDLELIGHT, the label who is putting it out. OGR sucks and charges shipping and is run by poseurs iirc, I've said like 5 times to buy the new BAN and Absu at CL USA. God.
Did you know that a new Funeral Mist album is going to be released in 2 weeks? Check NED and Arioch/Mortuus myspace:


That's like the best news in years for me, Salvation is one of the best album ever made. Also Fuck Glorior Belli.

Oh shit, I had no idea! Thank you for this news!!!

edit: It looks like I should start paying attention to black metal again, with new albums from Funeral Mist, Absu, and Blut Aus Nord.
Well I've only just recently started listening to it but Emperor, Naglfar, Dissection, Gorgoroth, Burzum, Nargaroth and early Bathory (though I prefer Viking Bathory) are pretty damn awesome :]
I prefer Nagelfar to Naglfar, and I never really payed much attention to Nargaroth. The rest of the bands are fantastic though. Satanic Warmaster are great as well.

Been listening to Enslaved's Eld...can't say there's any of their releases that I dislike.
I haven't given their discography enough listens to have a definite favorite but Isa has been my favorite so far. Enslaved is in my Black Metal Top 3 for sure.
My top 3 listened to Enslaved albums are prolly Eld/Ruun/Frost but as others have said, I enjoy pretty much all their releases.
I enjoy Below the Lights, but Isa and Ruun pretty much sound like poor attempts to remake the former. The only thing I've managed to take away from the newest album from the song or two that I heard is that the production is too thin.