Black Metal.

Guys hear about the new Funeral Mist?
Just now found out about it and cant wait to hear it.

EDIT: lmao nevermind, went a page back and saw lol
Black metal is frikin awesome(old school behemoth):headbang:.Behemoth:headbang:,Emperor,Gorgoroth,Borknagar,Dark Tranquillity,Xasthur,Wolves In The Throne Room,Dark Funeral,Dimmu Borgir.It's the darkest form of music and SUPRISINGLY relaxing.
The new Funeral Mist album has already been discussed here and in some other thread that I can't remember, and has also apparently leaked.
I'd prolly be able to listen to it in that kinda way, same as I do ambient music, but I find Malefic's (or whatever daft name he has) vocals so obtrusive at times. Maybe I've just heard the wrong songs.
The Hydra Head reissue of A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors is mostly instrumental, and it features an excellent Burzum cover. Xasthur/Nortt only has one vocal line, and is very pleasant sounding.
Hey, I listened to all their Myspace tracks today, and it's just not what I look for in the genre, and I get the same feeling from SEW.

I've noticed how my tastes in Black Metal have evolved of late, and I'm inclined more and more toward very dark and aggressive styles, epitomized by Deathspell Omega.