Black Metal.

Regarding DsO, any ideas on who plays drums on the albums pre-SMRC? I like this guy's style. I think it would maybe be recognizable with other bands. The cymbal work is melodic in how it regularly follows chord changes within riffs. I try this approach myself, and like how it sounds. I'm surprised more bands don't include this, especially in minimal black metal.
Does anyone know where to find a relatively reasonably priced copy of Hail's Inheritance Of Evilness DLP? (CD would be ok too). I found one at an European based distro, but the current Euro conversion rate is absolutely brutal.
Regarding DsO, any ideas on who plays drums on the albums pre-SMRC? I like this guy's style. I think it would maybe be recognizable with other bands. The cymbal work is melodic in how it regularly follows chord changes within riffs. I try this approach myself, and like how it sounds. I'm surprised more bands don't include this, especially in minimal black metal.

Shaxul. He also drums for Arphaxat, which I recommend.
Shaxul. He also drums for Arphaxat, which I recommend.

Never knew that. Arphaxat are pretty awesome though. I only have the 2008 album "Lodun la Maudite" or something similar but the internets tells me they have a demo from 2003, is it any good?
I'll have to catch that last show in Dallas. 4 hour drive but totally worth it to see Averse Sefira and Absu. Glorior Belli might be good live, but I always thought they tried to hard to do what Funeral Mist did better. At least that was the impression I got when I listened to a few of their songs.
Glorior Belli might be good live, but I always thought they tried to hard to do what Funeral Mist did better. At least that was the impression I got when I listened to a few of their songs.

Did you know that a new Funeral Mist album is going to be released in 2 weeks? Check NED and Arioch/Mortuus myspace:


That's like the best news in years for me, Salvation is one of the best album ever made. Also Fuck Glorior Belli.
Not that any of you will care, most likely, but I heard from a good source that a new Twilight (US) album should be forthcoming.

And not that anyone will really be surprised by this, but Moribund Cult lies about the numbers on their limited releases to a major degree. I bet most labels do it somewhat, but it's probably much more egregious from these guys.
I can't wait to get Urna's new album, "Iter Ad Lucem". Going by the samples on their myspace and the previous releases this is going to be great.