Black Metal.

Which Abigor albums are worth listening to? I've heard Orkblut - The Retaliation and Nachthymnen Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) and liked both of those and want albums that are of similar style/quality to these ones. I know that Fractal Possession sucks based on the few songs I've heard, so what's the latest material by them that's worth hearing?

everything up to and including channeling the quintessence of satan, and just stop. please.
I do have to agree with everyone here, Dialogue With The Stars is a very solid album. Anyone know any reliable distro where I can pre-order it? just checked in redstream and they don't have it.
Hello everyone!

I'm a metal fan that also like my shair of black metal, though I'm more into the whole "depressive and suicidal" of it.

Some bands that I like:

Deathspell Omega
Forgotten Tomb
Thy Light

and so on....
You must be pretty deep into the genre considering the last few bands you named.
Well, kinda... but I've just been sticking with the "suicidal" bands.
The other more aggressive bands like Gorgoroth and 1349 don't really do it for me.
Yet groups like Negura Bunget are really something else, very interesting.

I'm willing to learn more of course.
Rhapsody just added all the Borknagar albums online :)

What happened to the release of the new one? I thought it was to be released 1/31/09, now I see it at December 09.
TWWTG > both of the first two imo, but they're all 90+ albums so it's nitpicking really. The new one is pretty much in that realm too.