Black Metal.

Yes, because everyone knows that knowing a band that might be on a tour with a band that I don't even like is really something that earns you bragging rights. Or maybe I was just posting it for the reason that I just named.
Btw guys, a band i know said they're going on tour soon, i can't tell you their name but i hope you find this information to be of value.

It's actually more like, "A band that I talk to might tour with Glorior Belli. People who know me and know the few bands that I talk to might know who I'm talking about. The rest of the people on this forum can either whine or ignore my post, with the latter being the more mature route."
It's times like this that I'm glad that you really bit hard when Matthew posted a random picture and claimed that it was me for fun.

On topic: By the way, I bought Tiamtü by Ofermod. How does it compare to the previous EP in style and quality?
It's actually more like, "A band that I talk to might tour with Glorior Belli. People who know me and know the few bands that I talk to might know who I'm talking about. The rest of the people on this forum can either whine or ignore my post, with the latter being the more mature route."

What? I was talking about a band I know.
I already know one of the bands who's most likely going on tour with them, but the band leader asked me not to tell anyone last time that I talked to him.

But you'll tell me and I won't share the secret with anyone so that's pretty cool. ;)

But anyway...Glorior Belli touring the states will be seriously awesome and hopefully their new material will be out soon.
Indeed! It may make me a fag, but I'm also excited for Enslaved to tour... not that they're really black metal anymore. Whatever, they're coming through Boston and that's gonna rule

also wanted to comment that omni is being particularly adorable in this thread of late. Nice work on pseudotrolling while expressing pretty legit opinions, thar.
The new Bann realease (first full-length) Æschatologia will be available in the end of Feb.