Black Metal.

The one I'm talking about is Taegnuub - Ishnji Angma. Not exactly earthshattering stuff, it's very synthetic when aesthetically it seems to beg to be something more organic -- but it's pretty nice.
Hm. I don't know if I like that as much, actually. Certainly seems like a step toward a more organic sound, like I was talking about, but now that I hear that I actually think I find Taegnuub a lot more interesting, texturally. But really for the more ambient-oriented tracks than any of the stuff resembling black metal...
So since I have flaky friends I'm listening to the first ...And Oceans album. I think I'd enjoy this a lot more if I wasn't dead tired. I'm gonna go smoke a bowl, and assuming I don't crash immediately, start from track 1, and let you know how it goes.
Nji, Njiin, Njiiin was mostly good, but I can't decide if the odd aesthetic and themes work against the riffs, or if the uniqueness saves overly repetitive material. I am quite sure the outsider approach to drum programming works in their favor on that release. The musicality of it adds a neat dimension to material that runs the risk of being mind-numbingly repetitive. (The album could have used one more song and a bit of trimming of the last two tracks.) It sounds completely foreign to the genre, which works in context with that sound. Now, with that new song, it clashes, just like the drum machine on the recent Blut Aus Nord album. It's jarringly inhuman. Sometimes that's okay. But obviously sometimes not, especially when the goal is to sound more natural.