Black Metal.

I am! I just mentioned them recently. Their sophomore album has been getting played a few times this week here. Great shit. Reminds me of early ...and Oceans w/ longer songs.

By their sophomore album are you referring to "Bitter ist's..."? I've been playing that one a lot as well. But I have never liked ...And Oceans, and I've checked them out a few times when they were recommended to me.

On a related note, I am in the middle of checking out Farsot. Great band from the German/Austrian (I group the two) scene. Deeply textured music.
By their sophomore album are you referring to "Bitter ist's..."? I've been playing that one a lot as well. But I have never liked ...And Oceans, and I've checked them out a few times when they were recommended to me.

On a related note, I am in the middle of checking out Farsot. Great band from the German/Austrian (I group the two) scene. Deeply textured music.

I don't see the comparison between ...And Oceans and Dornenreich. Dornenreich is in their own class I'd say. It's very hard to compare them with anyone else since all their albums are so diverse.

Farsot is great! Their new albums is improved even though it doesn't have the same epic track lengths as the debut.
By their sophomore album are you referring to "Bitter ist's..."? I've been playing that one a lot as well. But I have never liked ...And Oceans, and I've checked them out a few times when they were recommended to me.

On a related note, I am in the middle of checking out Farsot. Great band from the German/Austrian (I group the two) scene. Deeply textured music.

Have you heard the first two ...and Oceans discs? They're completely different. I can't see you liking Bitter ist's... and disliking either of the two, really.
A couple of excellent new records I haven't seen mentioned in the last several pages of this thread:

Tenebrae in Perpetuum - L'eterno Maligno Silenzio
Miserere Luminis - Miserere Luminis
Slagmaur - Von Rov Shelter

There's a new Njiqahdda, but I wouldn't call that great. Worth a try, but it can probably be safely skipped. I need to listen to this new record by Acrimonious a bit more. An Ajna release, orthodox BM stuff. It's good, but I'm not sure I'd say it's anything really special. Might grow on me.

Favorite releases of '09 are still:
Teitanblood - Seven Chalices, which is ostensibly death metal or occult goatfuck metal or who cares, it's incredible.
Katharsis - Fourth Reich. The chaotic sound has abated a bit in favor of hypnotic riffs creating an impression of tension building to a climax. It absolutely works for me.
Peste Noire - Ballade Cuntre lo Anemi Francor. I really like this, but I still put on La Sanie and Folkfuck way more often.
Arckanum - ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ. Just awesome.
Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With the Stars
The Ruins of Beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite. Doesn't quite top Unlock the Shrine or Rain Upon the Impure for me, but I'll admit this sounds like what he's been reaching for and has hit his stride. Sounds good.

Other stuff I liked well enough:
Urfaust - Einsiedler EP
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Amesoeurs - Amesoeurs
Immortal - All Shall Fall
Beherit - Engram
Graveland - Spears of Heaven
Nazxul - Iconoclast
Fluisterwoud - Laat Alle Hoop Varen
Diamatregon - Crossroad
Angmar - Zurück in Die Unterwelt
Gromm - Pilgrimage Amidst the Catacombs of Negativism
Skagos - Ást
Wolves in the Throne Room - Black Cascade

There were some good splits from Katharsis, Antaeus, Urfaust, Joyless, etc.

The new Deströyer 666 disappointed me. Cobalt sounds like Tool playing black metal and I can't get into it. I couldn't give two shits about Velvet Cacoon, Glorior Belli, Funeral Mist, Shining, Gorgoroth, 1349, and so on and so forth...

There was some really excellent death metal, but I guess that's for another thread. (But in case any cares, a few quick namedrops: Grave Miasma, Ulcerate, Ignivomous, Portal, Embrace of Thorns.)