Black Metal.

You really should. While the debut "Nicht um zu Sterben" has a lot of good ideas, the follow-up "Bitter ist's dem Tod zu Dienen" is a 100% complete album with fantastic and epic tracks. I absolutely love everything Dornenreich has ever made, but this album is their best.
The faggot excuse for a vocalist is gone so the band goes back to their original sound. Go figure.

edit: These samples do sound great. :p
I liked it on a superficial level at first, but it does sound kind of just tired.

You like everything on a superficial level.

I'm listening to the samples now. They sound better than the few things I've heard from later Gorgoroth albums, but I'm not sure how much I like it. The production is a little too clean, and it sounds a bit more death metal. I would have to hear more if I was going to buy it.

People who don't suck: Is Destroyer worth getting?
Nah, I don't. People who are just into old school Gorgoroth will probably lap this up, despite the production changes as you mentioned. People who care about their music lasting longer than a couple listens are bound to see it as entertaining then ultimately meh.

On another note; I relistened to Darkspace - Dark Space III last night and came to the conclusion that I like it. To a lesser extent than most of the Paysage d'Hiver work I've heard, and I still don't think they quite sound as spacy or ambient as I think they should sound (note: I'm not saying they should conform to my expectations but rather responding to a lot of reviews I've read of theirs claiming that they are ambient and deep; they rather sound very claustrophobic and, ironically, not very "spatial" in that sense), but they pull off what they are trying to do very well. Oh, and the death metal riffing sections were totally amazing.
Honestly, I've enjoyed every Gorgoroth album. Not superficially, either. I just plain enjoy them in all aspects.

And again, I must mention that WITTR's Black Cascade is really good, despite what everyone has said.