Black Metal.

yeah i had that years and years ago,sold it years and years ago,unfortunately,was'nt Pete Tatgren in The Black? or someone pretty famous,can't remember now but i think it was him?
The Black Priest of Satan fucking rules. I found it at Vintage Vinyl 5 years ago. I heard it was reissued with a demo or something...wonder if it's worth looking into.
I just d/l'ded it. Ugh, I hate doing that, but I gotta. I don't know if there is a demo on it or not. Apparently there's like 4 different versions of the release. The vinyls were limited, which I hate.

Spear Of Longinus are way fucking out there haha
Johnny's upset cause,
he could'nt read today
could'nt read today
could'nt read today.hey!! :kickass:

currently listening to Stiny Plamenu's Odpadni Galerie, which I haven't done in quite some time. I always forget how awesome Stiny Plamenu are until I come back to them. Definitely don't get as much attention as they deserve