Black Metal.

I will check out this Nocte Obducta band, I've seen their name around but never knew what kind of black metal they played. What album would you recommend starting with?
It's not my favourite genre, but i like it a little.

I have 2 favourite bands from Black Metal, and those are Dimmu Borgir and Susperia.
Negura Bunget is ready to announce the title of the next album - Vîrstele pămîntului -
(engl. - The Ages of the Land/Earth).
Vîrstele pămîntului is an album about embracing your destiny, about choosing and consciously assuming a way of life. The earth is where we came from and where go back into, the one from above and beyond us. Understanding and respecting it is understanding yourself, your purpose and destiny. Vîrstele pămîntului is an album about places of the earth and places of the spirit, about bounds transcending worlds.
The work on the album is schedueled to be completed on a seclusion Negura Bunget will take into the wilderness of the mountains in the following weeks, to concentrate soley on the work for this album, which will be a landmark for its future evolution.
There is also a very special packaging for the album in work. More details about this will be revealed soon. You can expect another handmade, natural and organic concept extending from the music through visuals and packaging.

except you'll be missing Huppogrammos and the keyboardist whose name escapes me at the moment
except you'll be missing Huppogrammos and the keyboardist whose name escapes me at the moment

This thing better destroy planets for me to buy it. And I don't think that will happen. 2/3 of the band are gone. Negru(drummer) from what I've read is a jag-off. Listen to "OM" and tell me his drumming is strong enough. That's what their argument was. The other 2 cats were'nt pleased with his drumming. I'm waiting for Hupo and the other cat to form their band and release an album. Negura Bunget, as it is now, will never be the same or as good.
Wise words from Immortal (All shall fall): There is nothing new and modern on this album. It is a sweepings of all the old, we drove by, but with a little fatter production. We are naturally excited about the reception, but we know we can not please everyone. All these dumb points solved by the bloggers and unemployed on the internet do we certainly not care for.
Any fans of Nastrond's Toteslaut here? Been listening to it a lot over the last few months and I think I could quite happily place it somewhere in my all time top 20. Fantastic, unusual atmosphere. Helped a lot by the synths I think which sound perfect to my ears. Just awesome all around really.
Agrypnie is like a slower-paced, less focused Nocte Obducta with shorter songs. If that makes sense.

But they're worth checking out.

Dude, check out Melkor - Ferne, it's a BM album from this year by none other than Patrick Baumann of Agrypnie/Nocte Obducta. Great stuff.