Black Metal.

Any fans of Nastrond's Toteslaut here? Been listening to it a lot over the last few months and I think I could quite happily place it somewhere in my all time top 20. Fantastic, unusual atmosphere. Helped a lot by the synths I think which sound perfect to my ears. Just awesome all around really.

Yeah, awesome stuff. One of Sweden's most occult and obscure sounding albums.
any Conqeror/Revenge/Blasphemy fans here heard/picked up the Cremation cd from NWN?? i intend on buying it as soon as $ clears in my paypal account,i can't fucking wait to get a hold of this,anything with J.Read has to be good,also anyone heard/picked up the Warmarch album from Ajna,pretty much the same deal with that one,i expect nothing but the most awesome Canadian War/Cult Metal,as the band features amonsgt it's ranks Paulus Kressman of the mighty Rites Of Thy Degringolade/Sacramentary Abolishment.
any Conqeror/Revenge/Blasphemy fans here heard/picked up the Cremation cd from NWN?? i intend on buying it as soon as $ clears in my paypal account,i can't fucking wait to get a hold of this,anything with J.Read has to be good,also anyone heard/picked up the Warmarch album from Ajna,pretty much the same deal with that one,i expect nothing but the most awesome Canadian War/Cult Metal,as the band features amonsgt it's ranks Paulus Kressman of the mighty Rites Of Thy Degringolade/Sacramentary Abolishment.

I was hoping to order that and a bunch of other shit when the new Ares Kingdom gets released but I'm not sure if I can wait that long.
I like Revenge in a surface level sort of way; never really cared about Conqueror. I'll still probably pick it up next time I order from NWN.

I haven't heard of Warmarch, but the fact that it shares a member of Rites of Thy Degringolade has me very interested.

Corpse paint 1968.
Negura Bunget are ready to announce the title of the next album "Virstele Pamintului" (English: The Ages of the Land/Earth).