Black Metal.

Weapon full length is above average. The band knows how to write great riffs, and is one of my favorite black metal releases to come out this year. As for the Hunters Moon EP, it's pretty good. I wouldn't pass either up.

edit; If you want something non shitty and actually worthy of praise,

buy Ketzer - Satan's Boundaries Unchained, This album rapes the new D666 album.
Can anyone recommend some good melodic black metal in the same vein as Wolves in the Throne Room?

I think Fen is becoming rather bland quite fast. The music is quite ok, but the clean vocals are horrible.

Instead I think you should go for Lantlos, Walknut, Austere perhaps Altar of Plagues.

Drudkh is not as smiliar but definitely a great recommendation nevertheless.
Glad someone else agrees about Fen. Those vocals ruin it.

Lantlôs is a good rec, just not something I'd think of comparing to WitTR. They have more of an aesthetic of urban malaise going on, "depressive" black metal for city dwellers.

You could just pm "someone with good taste", whoever that happens to be, but judging by your phenominally low intelligence you probably haven't figured that out yet.
You have a bad tendency to latch onto people and certain things they say and then proceed to poorly execute satires of said things in a vain attempt to be funny. You should not do that.
I don't get this whole bestial trend.

Anyway, the guy looking for WITTR-ish stuff should listen to the first Krallice album, as it has some of the same characteristics while being far less of a ripoff. The new one is growing on me, but it's a bit overlong, and suffers from the lack of solos. But Dimensional Bleedthrough is as good a track as I've heard in some time. And the parts that sound like Mega Man scores are pretty great too.

More blasphemy coming here, as my first listen through the first Taake album bored me to death. I'm really, really underwhelmed with the 2nd tier Norwegian bands.