Black Metal.


out next month on CD!
Simple/silly question: what is the most enigmatic black metal band?

Just trying to think of bands aside from Deathspell Omega that operate under that sort of veil of secrecy and/or anonymity. Sigrblot come to mind. Can't come up with many others... I'm sure something obvious is escaping me.
Velvet Cacoon perhaps, although they're a little different
Simple/silly question: what is the most enigmatic black metal band?

Just trying to think of bands aside from Deathspell Omega that operate under that sort of veil of secrecy and/or anonymity. Sigrblot come to mind. Can't come up with many others... I'm sure something obvious is escaping me.


Released one album under secrecy and disappeared. No pictures, no names.
what a shame too. For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike is such a fucking awesome album. I've never bothered checking out any of the other bands the members of Kvist went into
Simple/silly question: what is the most enigmatic black metal band?

Just trying to think of bands aside from Deathspell Omega that operate under that sort of veil of secrecy and/or anonymity. Sigrblot come to mind. Can't come up with many others... I'm sure something obvious is escaping me.

Hellfire (swe)


A demo, a full length... and nothing more.
The full length is pretty much a copycat of the first two bathory albums.

I assume their myspace is a fake as well.... but contains absolutely no info either.
Kvist indeed is underrated. Solid band, and I will definitely grab the reissue soon. I'm sure if they had recorded something else they would have had their due.

Drudkh is quite clearly tied to other bands. Notably Hate Forest, Blood of Kingu, Astrofaes, and some others. None of which are especially obscure.
wow.. the new Arckanum ep is fucking awesome. Clean vocal Shamaatae is very strange to hear, but i really think it was a great cover of Be Forewarned.
It's soooooo energetic, mean and impudent! Killer! If music makes me want to walk around and kick people in their faces - then it's good. Well, this one is definitely good.
Microcosmos is a good album. Not their strongest, but I really doubt that Drudkh will ever make anything less than a good album. And they occasionally make fucking great albums.