Black Metal.

Yes you do. I didn't let Nechrist turn me off from listening to their earlier and later material, both of which I enjoyed much more than said album.
I also find to hard to shallow the whole Nazi thing. I really dont want a band singing about trying to burn my some of my Jew friends.
Remember; at least they are not out actually killing Jews, but are instead expressing their anger (or pride as it may be :p) constructively (with art).
I was pretty disappointed by Nechrist. If it's going to take 10 listens to get into, then I probably won't bother. I just don't have that much patience right now. It wasn't like most albums, where the quality of the riffs can be observed on the first or second listen, and the structure and nuances are revealed over time. The production is just so muddled on Nechrist, that it's hard to take anything away from it without super attentive listening. I don't have 10 hours to dedicate to that.

On another note, N.I.L. - s/t is growing on me. Cookiecutter, make sure to check out Krieg - Blue Miasma soon. There are some songs on there that are essentially N.I.L. songs. The album is pretty comparable to The Black House otherwise.
On another note, N.I.L. - s/t is growing on me. Cookiecutter, make sure to check out Krieg - Blue Miasma soon. There are some songs on there that are essentially N.I.L. songs. The album is pretty comparable to The Black House otherwise.
Pretty damn good album imo. I'll definitely look for Blue Miasma. Did you hear that Krieg is back up and running?
Yeah, I like the later Krieg material. Sort of a mishmash of styles and influences at times, which kind of holds back the band a bit. It seems like Imperial really doesn't know what he wants to do right now. Hopefully he can focus his talents in a coherent direction. It might help if he went the way of Wrest and Nachtmystium and was more willing to ditch more black metal conventions.

Haven't heard Destruction Ritual or the other earlier work. It doesn't really seem like the kind of thing I would be too interested in.
Mathiäs;6694326 said:
I usually don't pay attention to the overall message.
Same here, even though I diagree with them because they're racists, I just ignore the Supreme Aryan themes and listen to the music because I enjoy it.
Hellhammer is ...absolutely 100% the spirit of metal.

Fuckin' A.

Also, with regards to a band's message, I in no way ignore it. Rather, I regard it as a component of the artist's expression of his intended message. I do not objectify the message, but rather evaluate it of its own merits and how it is conveyed effectively through musical articulation. My moral preferences regarding said message are largely irrelevant.
Nechrist is great. Give Black Raven a spin.

Anyone heard Veil's Dolor? I'm searching for more depressive/suicidal/atmospheric black metal acts similar to Nyktalgia, Veil, Anti, Sterbend, Silencer and so forth. Any ideas?
I actually like National socialism imagery and themes a lot, bands like nokturnal mortum have really cool imagery and really epic, grand song titles. Also I don't think the idea of national socialism is as stupid as some people make it out to be.
I actually like National socialism imagery and themes a lot, bands like nokturnal mortum have really cool imagery and really epic, grand song titles.
This is understandable and I sort of agree.

Also I don't think the idea of national socialism is as stupid as some people make it out to be.
Like what? You may want to reconsider this.
Just the fact that you are proud of your country and heritage, and want to preserve that culture, I think it's a good message. Just the whole holocaust and extreme hatred gives that idea a bad name.