Black Metal.

I think DsO are great.

My opinion is probably wrong, of course, because I think Spite Extreme Wing are more awesome than 99% of BM.
DsO's earlier releases always struck me as a slightly self-congratulatory take on known archetypes.

Fair enough.

more emphasis on a coherent musical narrative and less on jarring the listener with wild changeups for the sake of wild changeups.

I don't really see how these are present in Fas. It seems like pretty much all of them have some kind of purpose, and are certainly there because the members felt them relevant. They've explained all of this before.
Every time I listen to Deathspell Omega it sounds okay, but nothing ever draws me back to want to listen again. A friend of mine who is also very into black metal had the same feeling. There's something about them that I doesn't grab me. They get so much praise, and admittedly I have not listened to Fas yet so I'll keep trying.
Every time I listen to Deathspell Omega it sounds okay, but nothing ever draws me back to want to listen again. A friend of mine who is also very into black metal had the same feeling. There's something about them that I doesn't grab me. They get so much praise, and admittedly I have not listened to Fas yet so I'll keep trying.

I have heard everything they have ever done, save for the demo, and I feel the same way. It is good but I don't see the huge hype around it. Granted though that they are extremely talented at playing and composing. I have no clue what they are doing on Fas....
I liked it. I need t hear it again though.

Katharsis - 666 is a great record after hearing it for the first time. My favorite release from them so far. I liked VVorld VVithout End and thought it was an intense record but something lacked. 666 is much better composed, to-the-point, and angry. How does Kruzifixion sound?
Wow you guys need to check your black metal history 101, how is Funeral Mist trendster since they created the whole orthodox genre? These guys were already doing that style back in 1996 and recorded Salvation in 2001. Name me another band playing orthodox black metal back in 2001? pretty much none! except ofermod who did only 2 songs in their career, so they're not jumping any bandwagon, they're riding it.

Fail? fail at being themselve (or himself) for 13 years? Where do you think Glorior Belli, Deathspell Omega, Watain, Merrimack, Katharsis, Antaeus, Arkhon Infaustus, Ondskapt, Heresi, Corpus Christii, Arkha Sva, Behexen and Newer Marduk took their inspiration from? from a guy named Arioch.
Only problem with this- Funeral Mist jumped on the orthodox bandwagon with "Salvation"; their lyrical approach on previous albums was quite far from what is now considered "orthodox".

Coincidentally, that's right when their music started to become uninspiring. Salvation is better than Maranatha (which is a complete trend-jumping piece of shit), but it's no where near as good as Devilry or Havoc, much less Darkness (which is by far their best).

As for other bands doing orthodox black metal in 2001- Watain had been doing it since their "Go Fuck Your Jewish "God"" demo in 1998. Malign had been at it since 1995 (they suck, though). Katharsis since 1996. Ofermod has been at it since 1998. Antaeus switched to that style in 1998. Convenient that Funeral Mist's sound through their "orthodox" days is pretty much a 50/50 mix of Antaeus and Ofermod when they're being "original", isn't it?
I have heard everything they have ever done, save for the demo, and I feel the same way. It is good but I don't see the huge hype around it. Granted though that they are extremely talented at playing and composing. I have no clue what they are doing on Fas....

Fas... is a good album, but Kenose has their best material imo. Haven't listened to the demo either.
Katharsis - 666 is a great record after hearing it for the first time. My favorite release from them so far. I liked VVorld VVithout End and thought it was an intense record but something lacked. 666 is much better composed, to-the-point, and angry. How does Kruzifixion sound?

Kruzifixxion is their best imo... similar to 666 but more complex with longer songs, lot more atmospheric because of the keyboard used... take a couple of listens to fully appreciate.

Convenient that Funeral Mist's sound through their "orthodox" days is pretty much a 50/50 mix of Antaeus and Ofermod when they're being "original", isn't it?

That's far from being true, just read "Devilry"'s lyrics and compare it with "cut your flesh". Antaeus has no influence whatsoever, they're lyrics were not about god-related stuff, kind of a french dark funeral back then..., they only jumped the bandwagon in 2002 while joining noevdia.

And for ofermod...... well, Havoc came 2 years earlier ;)
That's far from being true, just read "Devilry"'s lyrics and compare it with "cut your flesh". Antaeus has no influence whatsoever, they're lyrics were not about god-related stuff, kind of a french dark funeral back then..., they only jumped the bandwagon in 2002 while joining noevdia.

And for ofermod...... well, Havoc came 2 years earlier ;)

And, again, Funeral Mist wasn't doing the "religious" thing until "Salvation", so of cousrse "Devilry" and "Havoc" weren't influenced by Ofermod. "Devilry"'s lyrics don't take the religious approach any more than "In the Nightside Eclipse" or "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas", or, as you mentioned, early Dark Funeral. And, on that album and the "Havoc" demo, soundwise, they were basically a Dark Funeral clone with better melodic development. I'm not saying that those were bad releases- they weren't, and were in fact a lot better than either full length- but calling them "orthodox" is one hell of a stretch.

As for Antaeus "joining" noevdia... MkM was half-founder of noevdia, genius. And their lyrics were about as "religious" as any band from Sweden aside from Ofermod and maybe Watain at about that time.
Can someone breakdown this whole "orthodox" thing for me. I am a little confused on how we can tag a band as "orthodox" simply for Satanic lyrical themes. Does that make all the early BM bands "orthodox" or is it simply just image issue, because I am not buying into that image.
I know that which is ironic because I have talked about BAN for a while haha. My post came out wrong. I meant Har Shatan has had the first best black metal record of year so far and I meant to say besides BAN and Absu. Sorry haha.
Can someone breakdown this whole "orthodox" thing for me. I am a little confused on how we can tag a band as "orthodox" simply for Satanic lyrical themes. Does that make all the early BM bands "orthodox" or is it simply just image issue, because I am not buying into that image.

It's just a made up, ridiculous label and nothing to lose sleep over.
Metal since 1998 has produced a whole lot of favorites that seem to be forgotten six months later. Funeral Mist Maranatha is going to be the latest, although for the next 96 hours people will tell me I'm wrong, stupid, primitive and dumb for thinking that.

Tinyurl-d, as this site's admins are too intellectually dishonest to allow links to sites that disagree with their humanist views.