black winter day or anyone else that's from N.C.

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
...what's it like there?I may be going there in a week or so on vbacation w/my family and some others.And I'd like to know what the hell there is to do there.I was told that there are beaches(beaches...oh,what fun...:bah: )and places to go fishing and crabbing....all of this I heard from ppl in Maryland who's only purpose in life is to go crabbing.Is there anything else to do in North Carolina besides swim,go to the beach,crab and fish?
Yeah,I hear there's a lot of stuff to look at,too.I figure I'll just come prepared w/several backpacks full of cds, notebooks, pens, pencils,pencil lead,journal,cd player,batteries,books,etc. so I can avoid contact w/my family or any of the ppl that we are going with or anyone on the beach.All there's going to be there to eat is steamed crabs...I hate crabs and my plan is to puke when I eat one that way no one bitches about how I don't eat crabs.Maybe if I get sick,I'll have a way out of spending time w/ppl.This trip is gonna suck.Fortunatley we're getting back on the 9th,the day before the Tool concert that I'm going to...unless my family finds some way of ruining that for me.
How old were you?I didn't know you ate ice cream...
No matter how old I am,I still wonder what the fuck is going on...especially in North Carolina where I will be for 6 days.Sand dunes...creepy...
The sand dunes that go creepeth...and the fowl that flyeth and the fish that swimeth at North Carolina.
No,I haven't been reading the Bible w/out you.
well, nc beaces tend to be secluded, but i like that. . . i fuckin hate crowded beaches

it actually depends on which beach you are going to. carolina beach has some great stuff, places to eat, tourist attractions, shopping centers, etc. same as wilmington. you can generally find stuff to do there.

if you are going to one of the more "sequestered" beaches, yeah, i would suggest taking some music and a book to read or something. it would be very relaxing, but, like you said, not much to do.

btw, it is hot as HELL down here! today wasn't so bad, but it's usually been in the mid-90s, sometimes even hotter. beach wouldn't sound too temptuous with this heat!
haha, wow, you don't like crabs either...

and my dad's from NC.. a little town called Dunn
Damn, what the fuck are you complaining about? I'm sitting here in my fucking room in fucking germany, the wheather is fucking bad and I'm posting on this fucking board! fuck!

(see what you have done! I'm realising that I'm bored as hell!)
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
How old were you?I didn't know you ate ice cream...
No matter how old I am,I still wonder what the fuck is going on...especially in North Carolina where I will be for 6 days.Sand dunes...creepy...
The sand dunes that go creepeth...and the fowl that flyeth and the fish that swimeth at North Carolina.
No,I haven't been reading the Bible w/out you.

That was before I was diabetic- it was last year. And it came to pass, that Darkspoteth visited thee North Carolinian shoreseth in hopeseth to... Oh, fuck, this isn't going anywhere. We're on Chapter 17, right? I have it open to the spot.
Yep,chapter 17...we've gotten a lot read.That is the funniest thing in the world,I swear.
Darkspoteth....hhahahjajhhjajhhjha[/ledmag mode]

No,I don't like steamed crabs.Everyone thinks I'm a freak because I'm from MD and I don't like steamed crabs.I went to Ocean City w/my family when I was about 7 or so and all we had to eat there was steamed crabs...nothing but steamed crabs.And I just decided not to eat them anymore and I didn't until about a week ago when I ate 4...and now whenever I think about eating steamed crabs,I feel sick...hence my plan to puke whenever I eat any crabs.My mother says it's pshycological thing and she's going to force feed me steamed crabs.

Oh good,no crowds.That way I won't be forced to socialize w/any ppl.My family wants me to socialize w/ppl on the beach.My mother says that maybe I'll meet a "hot guy" who's "into heavy metal"...what do you think,Black Winter Day.What do you say we meet up on the beach?
[/chat room mode]
Yeah,meet "hot guys"...I'd much rather smoke pot.But BWD says that the beaches are pretty secluded so I guess I won't have to worry about "meeting hot guys".She was talking to the Taupe,the cat,earlier...about how we were going to be away at the beach on his birthday...I think that somehow or another,my mother has been hanging around w/Mrs.Clark.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot

My mother says that maybe I'll meet a "hot guy" who's "into heavy metal"...what do you think,Black Winter Day.What do you say we meet up on the beach?
[/chat room mode]

hahaha. . . you ARE a year or 3 younger than me, so i might get into a little trouble, haha. although it WOULD be cool to meet a true metal chick. not many of them around here, hahahahaha (props to ledmag).

hey, we're the only ones here!
Originally posted by neal
haha. yeh, you chicks are overly bitter for 14. i wasnt that bitter till later haha.
As my Bible-thumping pot-head hippie mother would say-
"What has this generation come to?Things were so different when I was your age."
Try growing up in Maryland,neal...especially Carroll County ,MD.It will make you bitter.
Originally posted by Black Winter Day

hahaha. . . you ARE a year or 3 younger than me, so i might get into a little trouble, haha.

That's why I was saying "chat room mode".You know those stories about teen age girls meeting middle aged men in chat rooms and arraging to meet them at certian destinations then they go missing and that gets eveyone concearned about their kids being on the Internet?It just seemed to be leaning toward that type of situation so I decide to grasp the oppurtunity and make a joke about I often do.