black winter day or anyone else that's from N.C.

We need to live somewhere other than Maryland...the weather is fucked up,the major industry here is crabbing...if that isn't pathic than nothing is.Of course,Maryland's second major industry is heroin...still,this place sucks major ass.
I feel compelled to get into this "Maryland Sucks" bash-fest, but I can't really think of anything to add.
<---- I live in Baltimore, btw

I just realized, it doesn't say so in my profile. so yep, that's where I am :mad:
When we had to drive across the Bay bridge to visit some friends,my siblings and we all recieved these gay as hell brochures about the bay and it's ecology.There were also cross word puzzles and this 12page long story about this heron(who I guess is the Chsapeake Bay mascot...I was about to write "heroin")and drops of water and plants...I would've rather had the heroin.