
Bet Gauny already knows the important vocabulary ;) Wish I were as far with my norwegian... guess I am just too lazy. Really worthless.

Well, as for the book I am currently reading: Roman History, Volume I
Ziuwarian said:
Bet Gauny already knows the important vocabulary ;)
huh? I never said the books were in Swedish, did I?
And don't you remind me of vocabulary, have to learn some until next thursday. Plus I have to go through the grammar (the worse part) *sigh*

Now reading: vocabulary lektion 3 :grin:
Currently I'm reading "Moulin Rouge" - Pierre La Mure. I think it's nice. And it's a good read.

Last week I read "Letters, maxims and sentences" by Epikur. I guess he was very f*** man.
Simply - stupid [for me]. Stupid and pathetic. :goggly:
I've been reading Godel, Escher, Bach (finally) much of this past weekend. It's quite appealing to the geek in me...

Now Playing: Nightwish -- Century Child -- Dead to the World
/* random quote */
Did you wake with a sigh and not a smile, did you?
Did you hear the raven's woe?
Rabenreich said:
Heh it feels strange dosn't it BS?

More than strange... Now what should I do with all my sparetime??
hehehe... >:oP It's just.... I didn't find the book all THAT good!
Not bad either.... But, it's been with me for 1 month or so and now
I sort of miss it :oP hehe... Gotta buy more books... Damn...
Congrats.. 500 kroner, BS?

I am reading a book named Tools For Thought, which is about technology history.. it is focused on computer history and explains the persons involved, stuff surrounding it etc. It's really nice to know a lot of these things... makes you think about the philosophy around it all and why we are where we are today... and so on.
at the moment: The professor and the madman(Simon Winchester)
Atomen, Människan, universum by Hannes Alfvén

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