Breast growth from *ahem*...

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sh1t son :mad: twilo mike was using that shit before you were born :mad:

Kill yourself.

go PM twilomike on, you two can have a nice time together (extremely homo :lol: )

No, Dave, not even in a threesome. What is this, green eggs and ham? I will not fuck you, Dave I'm Gay.

(Disclaimer: Dave I'm Gay is his name, like Sam I Am... only thing I could come up with that would rhyme.)
I am THE breast enthusiast, I know of one other person who loves tits as much as I do. All I ever think about is massive tits. Some people might find that weird, some people might find it great. Regardless they are my favourite part of the female body and my favourite talking point.

I've loved massive tits since I was about 10 I believe. On Sky television WWF Raw is War used to be on until midnight on a Friday night. Afterwards there was the Playboy TV freeview. I remember seeing this extremely busty brunette and never ever looking back.

There is nothing in this world that I treasure above a woman with massive tits. So you can understand my jubilance at having such a busty girlfriend who possesses some of the finest specimens in the known universe.

Macromastic women are the way forward.

I'm sorry to bring this up again---But I have been thinking a lot about what you've said, and how much it goes against my philosophies in life.

I want to ask you---Would you be with Susan if she had A's? Or, heaven forbid, AA's?? Of course I do not expect an honest answer from you here, on an internet messageboard, but it's something to think about.

Second, I find it incredibly disrespectful of you to talk about your girlfriend's breasts the way you do. The way you flaunt them about like they're yours, like they're freak things to show off and make fun of. Which you do, in a way. In the 'Who would you like to meet..." thread you joke about her "mellons" in such a way I find disturbing, coming from someone who is supposed to love her for her.

I'm sure she is fine with all of it, as she would not be with you if she wasn't, but as an American woman in the 21st century I can't just sit back and watch this and not say anything. Especially since I am an incredibly opinionated person.

My boyriend would never talk about my body with perfect strangers the way you do with Sao's. To him my body is an intimate thing for he and I to enjoy----Not for other males on the internet who-knows-where. If I posted pictures of myself in such suggestive and open poses as Susan chose to on myspace (I'm not dissing that, I'm just stating my opinion Susan okay?) he would lose respect for me. Because my body, my breasts, my legs, my butt, are intimate things meant for us to enjoy. And he would never, ever say the childish, creepy and selfish things you say like 'THEY'RE ALL MINE MMM BOOBS LOLOLOL". I know you're what, like 17? But still, I knew Sean when he was 17. He never would have said things like that. It's just so unintimate, so unRomantic, so disrespectful.

A year or so ago I posted a reference shot of me posing for a painting of mine, and it looked like I was in my underwear (I wasn't actualy but they were basically frilly hot pants) and Sean was so upset that I'd show so much of my skin (legs) on an internet messageboard and how I could have such low respect for myself to degrade myself in such a way that it was this big deal and the mod had to delete it from every post it was in and shit. I was embarassed at the time by it... but in reality Sean was just looking out for me and my self respect.

I know you're both totally different people from Sean and I, with different philosophies and ways of showing respect to those you love... but I just think you need to show more respect for your lover (or whatever she is I'm not entirely clear on that). I get the feeling Sao's a bit of an exhibitionist, seeing some of the pictures she posts on myspace, and I applaud you for being "strong enough" or whatever to deal with that well and not be jealous or anything.

My basic point: You come off as a fucking ass and like you only are with her for her large boobs and you talk about them like they're pieces of meat solely for your pleasure and it makes me feel sick.

If I saw this anywhere else and with anyone else, no matter how little I knew them, if I saw it repeatedly, I'd say something. So don't take this too personally. Although I'm sure you will, and for that I apologize.

p.s. Get over the boob obsession. Seriously. It's creepy. It's not even a fetish it's like a fixation.
Oh my fucking god, "as an American woman in the 21st century I can't just sit back and watch this and not say anything?" Shut the fuck up already. What stupidly irrational and baseless assumptions. You're such an asshole for posting shit like that, as if you know the true intent behind what he said. To some people, all of your little quirks about respect are completely trivial and have not a god damn thing to do with respect. Your problem is that you were in a controlling relationship for several years and that has colored your perspective on things and conditioned you to have a certain mindset on things. You really shouldn't be opening your mouth so fucking much about things like this that really come down to personal values. What is disrespectful to you is completely fucking unimportant to others.
^So my opinion is baseless and doesn't matter simply because others opinions are different from mine?

That makes no sense.

Your entire post didn't make any sense you ninny. It was all bullshit, baseless assumptions.
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