Breast growth from *ahem*...

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I'm sorry to bring this up again---But I have been thinking a lot about what you've said, and how much it goes against my philosophies in life.

I want to ask you---Would you be with Susan if she had A's? Or, heaven forbid, AA's?? Of course I do not expect an honest answer from you here, on an internet messageboard, but it's something to think about.

Second, I find it incredibly disrespectful of you to talk about your girlfriend's breasts the way you do. The way you flaunt them about like they're yours, like they're freak things to show off and make fun of. Which you do, in a way. In the 'Who would you like to meet..." thread you joke about her "mellons" in such a way I find disturbing, coming from someone who is supposed to love her for her.

I'm sure she is fine with all of it, as she would not be with you if she wasn't, but as an American woman in the 21st century I can't just sit back and watch this and not say anything. Especially since I am an incredibly opinionated person.

My boyriend would never talk about my body with perfect strangers the way you do with Sao's. To him my body is an intimate thing for he and I to enjoy----Not for other males on the internet who-knows-where. If I posted pictures of myself in such suggestive and open poses as Susan chose to on myspace (I'm not dissing that, I'm just stating my opinion Susan okay?) he would lose respect for me. Because my body, my breasts, my legs, my butt, are intimate things meant for us to enjoy. And he would never, ever say the childish, creepy and selfish things you say like 'THEY'RE ALL MINE MMM BOOBS LOLOLOL". I know you're what, like 17? But still, I knew Sean when he was 17. He never would have said things like that. It's just so unintimate, so unRomantic, so disrespectful.

A year or so ago I posted a reference shot of me posing for a painting of mine, and it looked like I was in my underwear (I wasn't actualy but they were basically frilly hot pants) and Sean was so upset that I'd show so much of my skin (legs) on an internet messageboard and how I could have such low respect for myself to degrade myself in such a way that it was this big deal and the mod had to delete it from every post it was in and shit. I was embarassed at the time by it... but in reality Sean was just looking out for me and my self respect.

I know you're both totally different people from Sean and I, with different philosophies and ways of showing respect to those you love... but I just think you need to show more respect for your lover (or whatever she is I'm not entirely clear on that). I get the feeling Sao's a bit of an exhibitionist, seeing some of the pictures she posts on myspace, and I applaud you for being "strong enough" or whatever to deal with that well and not be jealous or anything.

My basic point: You come off as a fucking ass and like you only are with her for her large boobs and you talk about them like they're pieces of meat solely for your pleasure and it makes me feel sick.

If I saw this anywhere else and with anyone else, no matter how little I knew them, if I saw it repeatedly, I'd say something. So don't take this too personally. Although I'm sure you will, and for that I apologize.

p.s. Get over the boob obsession. Seriously. It's creepy. It's not even a fetish it's like a fixation.

I'm lost...was this post supposed to show us what respect is by being totally disrespectful to others?

How can you assume that Patrick Bateman (I don't know his real name...) is with Susan only for her boobs? I'm sure her body and who she is is all part of what attracted him to her. It's a whole people will chose others based on their preference but there's a lot of big breated woman...if he chose Susan there's something else then that I'm sure...this shouldn't be hard to understand even for you.

If it wasn't unhealthy I'd like you to try and balloon up to like 250 pounds just see if your Sean really loves you for you and the way you are really has nothing to do with that.

(I'm not dissing you, I'm just stating my opinion Cara okay?) You're really retarded sometimes.

I find it insulting to my intelligence that people would think I'm only with a man because he likes my breasts. Am I too stupid or blind to see that people are using me?
I'm sorry to bring this up again---But I have been thinking a lot about what you've said, and how much it goes against my philosophies in life.

I want to ask you---Would you be with Susan if she had A's? Or, heaven forbid, AA's?? Of course I do not expect an honest answer from you here, on an internet messageboard, but it's something to think about.

Right then where to begin. You can expect an honest answer, I never lie to anyone, internet or not. "You always get the truth with me, if you don't like it you can piss off". Adam Jones' Life Philosophy EST. MCMLXXXV

I love debates, so that’s the only reason I’m even going to reply to this. I really don’t need to as your opinion matters not and everyone else in this thread has systematically dismantled your baseless and ridiculous post already…

Shut the fuck up already. What stupidly irrational and baseless assumptions.

You're such an asshole for posting shit like that, as if you know the true intent behind what he said. What is disrespectful to you is completely fucking unimportant to others.

Your opinion is baseless because you don't know what the fuck you're saying.

I have to agree, Sus, you completely overreacted there.

I would rather be without then a date some bitch who thinks like you do.

was this post supposed to show us what respect is by being totally disrespectful to others?

How can you assume that Patrick Bateman (I don't know his real name...) is with Susan only for her boobs? I'm sure her body and who she is is all part of what attracted him to her. It's a whole people will chose others based on their preference but there's a lot of big breated woman...if he chose Susan there's something else then that I'm sure...this shouldn't be hard to understand even for you.

You're really retarded sometimes.

....but allow me to answer your points in my own particular idiom. Susan first joined the Akercocke forum and posted two head shots of herself, I said to myself, “She is fucking beautiful” so I checked out her Myspace and discovered that her favourite film is Star Wars, the same as me (I love Star Wars so much). So I decided to add her to MSN. I was chatting with her for a bit, probably talking about massive tits (they are my favourite thing in the entire world, and I fail to see how that is disrespectful) when all of a sudden she drops the bomb that she is actually incredibly busty. If she wasn’t perfect already she also has massive tits. I already liked her a hell of a lot before I even knew she was a busty goddess. So your point about me not being with her if she had small tits is ludicrous. I would not go out with someone or not, not go out with someone just because they have/don’t have massive tits. That’s stupid. I am 100% monogamous, when I want someone I really want someone, and I don’t want anyone else. Susan is perfect, the fact that she has massive breasts is purely a bonus. The traits/physical attributes that I look for in a female are: brunette, long straight hair, massive tits, shorter than I am, loves metal, intellectual. Susan is all of these and more. Being with Susan is amazing, it’s like having a best friend and a girlfriend at the same time.

Second, I find it incredibly disrespectful of you to talk about your girlfriend's breasts the way you do. The way you flaunt them about like they're yours, like they're freak things to show off and make fun of. Which you do, in a way. In the 'Who would you like to meet..." thread you joke about her "mellons" in such a way I find disturbing, coming from someone who is supposed to love her for her.

Why can I not show my girlfriend off? She is utterly beautiful in ways you will never be. I do not make fun of her in the slightest, you clearly don’t understand my sense of humour and if I’m honest you don’t seem to grasp anyone’s sense of humour on this place. I want everyone to know that Susan is with me. I am proud to have her as my girlfriend. And if you read carefully I never mentioned melons/"mellons" in the first place.

I'm sure she is fine with all of it, as she would not be with you if she wasn't, but as an American woman in the 21st century I can't just sit back and watch this and not say anything. Especially since I am an incredibly opinionated person.

Feminazi anyone? You have no right whatsoever to tell me what is right and wrong and you have no right to interfere and call me on how I see things. What did you honestly expect was going to happen here? Did you think I was going to say you are right and change the way I talk just because of your maniacal ways?... I think not.

My boyriend would never talk about my body with perfect strangers the way you do with Sao's. To him my body is an intimate thing for he and I to enjoy----Not for other males on the internet who-knows-where. If I posted pictures of myself in such suggestive and open poses as Susan chose to on myspace (I'm not dissing that, I'm just stating my opinion Susan okay?) he would lose respect for me. Because my body, my breasts, my legs, my butt, are intimate things meant for us to enjoy. And he would never, ever say the childish, creepy and selfish things you say like 'THEY'RE ALL MINE MMM BOOBS LOLOLOL". I know you're what, like 17? But still, I knew Sean when he was 17. He never would have said things like that. It's just so unintimate, so unRomantic, so disrespectful.

That’s wonderful that your boyfriend feels like that, I really couldn’t give a shit about your relationship with your boyfriend to be honest. I love Susan, and if she wants to put pictures of herself on her Myspace who am I to argue? She is beautiful, her body is divine, so why not be proud of it? Maybe it’s because you have nothing exception to show off that you decide not to. Not all people are like you, I don’t judge you and “feel the need to say something” just because you don’t post pictures of yourself. And you have no right to do the same with regards to Susan and myself.

A year or so ago I posted a reference shot of me posing for a painting of mine, and it looked like I was in my underwear (I wasn't actualy but they were basically frilly hot pants) and Sean was so upset that I'd show so much of my skin (legs) on an internet messageboard and how I could have such low respect for myself to degrade myself in such a way that it was this big deal and the mod had to delete it from every post it was in and shit. I was embarassed at the time by it... but in reality Sean was just looking out for me and my self respect.

That’s so sweet… or not, I hope you and your boyfriend will enjoy having sex in a darkened room so no one can see you ever! Grow the fuck up. Your boyfriend sounds like a fag. Women are beautiful. I want to show Susan off to people, I find her to be the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. You and I clearly differ on that, but once more I don’t tell you you’re wrong or disrespectful. Stop trying to force your opinions on others. You sound really happy in your relationship with your boyfriend where he tells you exactly what kind of pictures you can show and which ones you can't. WHat happens when you go out? Does he cover you up with a black bag to avoid people staring at you? That kind of behaviour is pathetic.

I know you're both totally different people from Sean and I, with different philosophies and ways of showing respect to those you love... but I just think you need to show more respect for your lover (or whatever she is I'm not entirely clear on that). I get the feeling Sao's a bit of an exhibitionist, seeing some of the pictures she posts on myspace, and I applaud you for being "strong enough" or whatever to deal with that well and not be jealous or anything.

I am jealous, I am a very jealous person. But I have no right whatsoever to tell her to remove pictures of herself from her Myspace or Facebook or wherever. People may look at her pictures, but that’s it, they can’t have her she’s with me. Much the same as you and your boyfriend enjoy your body in private so do we. What are you talking about strong enough? Men will see Susan in the street, men will (and do) stare at her excessively, I have no way to avoid this, she is beautiful, it is inevitable, so trying to keep her locked up away from the world where no one but I can see her is truly an exercise in futility. "Oh no, you can't go out wearing a skirt! Someone might see your legs!?!?!" Grow the fuck up. You seem adamant on saying, you are an American in the 21st century, but in truth you behave more like a couple from the 19th century. This is the 21st century, sex is everywhere, sex sells, everywhere you look you see porn or women in bikinis, half naked men/women on the beaches, men and women love each others bodies. Do you and your boyfriend go to the beach wearing jump suits to cover your body so no one can see you?...

My basic point: You come off as a fucking ass and like you only are with her for her large boobs and you talk about them like they're pieces of meat solely for your pleasure and it makes me feel sick.

I really don’t care what makes you happy or what makes you sick. Just reading your posts on this place, I will gladly make you feel uncomfortable, I will gladly make you feel sick, I detest everything about what you are trying to stand for with this poorly created message.

If I saw this anywhere else and with anyone else, no matter how little I knew them, if I saw it repeatedly, I'd say something. So don't take this too personally. Although I'm sure you will, and for that I apologize.

Get over the boob obsession. Seriously. It's creepy. It's not even a fetish it's like a fixation.

How can I get over the boob obsession? An obsession is a compulsive preoccupation with something or someone. I cannot help it. Much like addictions it cannot be helped or prevented. I am a human and I will not apologise for my carnal instincts or desires. Humans have two primal instincts the first is survival the second replication. After initially protecting ourselves we then instinctively seek out a partner with whom to mate and pass on our genetic knowledge. Our hormones go crazy and we can’t help ourselves. Millions of years evolution can not change this, I am a beast and I’m utterly in love with Susan, her being, personality and body. Nothing will change that, especially not the rantings of an idiot.

I think I'll leave the message at this for now, I'm at work and I have better things to do like read American Psycho.

Good day.

Lord Adam Jones.
I find it insulting to my intelligence that people would think I'm only with a man because he likes my breasts. Am I too stupid or blind to see that people are using me?

No, Susperia is to stupid & blind to see that not everything can be assumed from reading an internet forum and/or looking at a myspace page.
PS her boyfriend left her and she still refers to him as boyfriend in the present tense.
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