

It was a clear, brilliant day. The type of day where you could smell the odour of life, where wisps of steam arose off the trickling, sparkling streams. Lulu sat under a tree by the river side. She sighed wearily, her lover had been killed by the town soldiers for stealing bread. Poor Boob, he wasn't coming back. As she stared into the river, the willows glowing in the cool summer breeze, her reflection shifting in the waters like her mournful heart, she heard a voice. It came from the massive oak behind her, and echoed crazedly off the walls of the leaden valley 'BUBUBUBUBUBUBU!!'. She spun about, her blonde hair trailing in the wind, and stared up into the branches.

From nowhere a man jumped from the trees. He spun around and round like a spinning top, kicking up dust from the ground, wearing a blue hat with the feather in it, and a weather scarred leather coat. 'Bububububububububu' he cried. 'Who are you??' she yelled at the man. He stopped spinning and looked at her, with a strange, perplexed expression. After a moment he spoke...'bubu!'. Lulu was stunned. 'Well, my name is Lulu! I don't know who you are but leave me alone!'. He suddenly pounced at her. She was too slow to react and the shoddy, strange man pinned her to the ground. 'BUBUBUBUBU!!' he screamed into her face. 'Why are you doing this??' she cried, struggling to breath against his foul stench, which smelt of pinenuts. He screamed again, but this time in plain, normal english. 'You dare follow the path of LULU!!?? I am the high priest of bububu and you dare say the word lulu to me?'.

She was now crying, crushed under his hairy, smelly body. 'Lulu is only my name! I don't know about any cult of lulu!! Leave me be!!'. The sun shone brightly on the mans back, distorting his image in a halo of sunshine. 'Bubu is vindictive' was all he said, '...and now you die!'. He then killed her.

This was but another death caused by the evil, manipulative entity known only as bubu...another innocent dies...the cycle repeats...and the good, true entity, lululu, could only look on from its imprisonment, and shed a tear at this most grevious, random act of evil in the name of bubu.

The End.
Here's a german bu ;)

Was zählt

Gib mir was zu trinken, ich habe Durst.
Ich kam den ganzen Weg allein und bin zu Fuß.
Jeden einzelnen Schritt, bubu für bubu.
Von irgendwo da draußen, ganz weit weg von hier.
Ich bin durch das Meer geschwommen, hab von Wasser und bu gelebt,
nur um hierher zu kommen und dich endlich zu sehen.
Ich war in jeder Wüste, die man sich denken kann.
War fast dran aufzugeben, ständig weiterzuziehen.

Ich hab mich oft verlaufen, war viel zu lange blind.
Überall und nirgendwo suchte ich nach bu.

Und ich lief jahrelang nur durch Regen.
Oder ob es Tränen waren? Ich weiss es heut nicht mehr.

Doch wenn nur die Liebe zählt, wenn nur die Liebe zählt,
werd ich denselben Weg noch einmal für dich gehn.
Wenn nur die Liebe zählt, wenn nur die Liebe zählt,
dann ist mir kein Preis zu hoch um dich zu sehen.

Siehst du die Tasche, die ich mit mir trage?
Da ist meine Geschichte und mein ganzes bubu drin.

Du kannst sie mir wegnehmen und sie verbrennen.
Sie ist voller Erinnerungen, die ich nicht mehr haben will.
Für mich ist gestern wertlos und morgen ganz egal,
solange du mir versprichst, dass du mich halten kannst.

Wenn nur die Liebe zählt, wenn nur die Liebe zählt,
werd ich denselben Weg noch einmal für dich gehen.
Wenn nur die Liebe zählt, wenn nur die Liebe zählt,
will ich dir folgen bis ans Ende dieser Welt.

Ich möchte gern glauben, was in der Bibel steht
und was man uns in jeder Fernsehshow einreden will:
Dass es am Ende nicht darauf ankommt,
ob man der bu oder der bubu ist.

Weil nur die Liebe zählt, weil nur die Liebe zählt,
ich würd denselben Weg noch einmal für dich gehen.
Wenn nur die Liebe zählt, wenn nur die Liebe zählt,
will ich dir folgen bis ans Ende dieser Welt.

Mir ist kein Preis zu hoch um dich zu sehen

Ähem...you know what lulu means in german?little kids say "I must lulu" when they have to go to the toilet...
So here's an english one just for you ;)

Freedom bubu
The mouths of envious
Always find another bu
While at the gates of paradise they
beat us down some more
But our mission’s set in stone
‘Cause the writing’s on the bubu
I’ll scream it from the mountain tops
pride comes before a fall

So many thoughts to share
All this energy to give
Unlike those who hide the bu
I tell it like it is
If the truth will set you free
I feel sorry for your soul
Can’t you hear the ringing ‘cause
for you the bell tolls

I’m just a freedom bubu
No remorse
Raging on in holy bu
Soon there’ll come a day
When you’re face to face with me
Face to face with bubu

Can’t you hear us coming?
People marching all around
Can’t you see we’re coming?
Close your eyes it’s over now
Can’t you hear us coming?
The fight has only just begun
Can’t you see we’re coming?

I’m just a freedom bubu
No remorse
Raging on in holy bu
Soon there’ll come a day
When you’re face to face with me
Face to face with bubu
Emotional Bubu

Bu to me
For i have seen
Your buing smile
Your scars bubuled
So far from bu, do you know you're not bubu
Sleep bubu
Sweet bubulight
Scattered yesterdays, the bu is far away

How fast bu passed by
The bubu of life

Those bubu moments won't return
And we will never bu again

Beyond my bus
Ever with me
Bu flash before my eyes, a final fading sigh
But the bu will (always) rise
And tears will dry
Of all bu is to come, the bu has just begun

And bu is speeding by
The bubu of life

Those bubu moments won't return
And we will never bu again....

Hilj(this is one of the saddest piece of bubu i've ever write...:cry: )
Big bubu in the bububu shack.
By Static.

He pulled out his big throbbing bubu from his pants. She moaned in bububu at the size of it. He took his glistening bubububu and slid it gently into her bubu, while his fingers were rapidly moving in and out of her bububu. After bubu for some time, he pulled his bububu out and she sucked on his bu. He had a bububu and moaned while she reached the climax of her bubu. He was so bubu he sprayed his bububu into her face and she licked the bubu off. Then he turned her over and bububu'd his bubu up the rear end of her bububu. She'd never been bubu'd like this before, she moaned her ectasy at having his manly bubu up her bu, and she finally had a lulu.

The End.
HOLY BU!!!!!!!:eek:

Well, this is actually a gothic-industrial song, anyway the words fit perfectly for a sweet bubu...


Bubu come to me to me come to me
Bubu belong to me to me belong to me
Bubu, you have wings to fly fly to me
Bubu do you doubt no need to have doubt

Bubu feel my love my love for you feel my love for you
Bubu carry me to you to your home to Bubudise
Bubu, i would lie for you for you just for you with my buning heart
and Bubu, i would die for you for you just for you with my buing heart

Bubu don't feel bubu for me and my pain don't feel bubu
cause Bubus must be free high up from this world in Bubunity

Bubu, i could clip your wings to catch all your bu to calm your pain
but Bubu, this world be so wrong you would bu to death immediately

so Bubu come to me heal my glaring bu voluntarily

I Love You
"bubunity". i see. :lol:

static, i loved your story, but just remember that thou shalt not say "bububu": it's forbidden, unlike explicit bu. :)

yeah. this is the bubu, has it been said before, that a bu would stain. that's exactly what static said. and that white, sticky substance does not tend to taste *sweet*, you know. many words come to mind, but not *sweet*. :Smug:

Dreams butest dreams
bubububu dreams

Come with me up the stairs of the bubu at the horizon
made of drops of bu
don't worry, i'm just the bubu of your playground
when the bu has gone down

But i'm closing bu of me, closing bu on me

I'm wondering who's my guide towards the bubuzon
Will i ever bu?
'cause i'm not allowed to have bu except for one
Please be my bubu bu

And it seemed so bu and bubu bu

Stasera piovon gocce d'acqua di bubu
ed io bubububu quassù come Bubu...
[Tonight bubuwater drops are falling
as i'm bubububu up here just like Bubu]

Farewell oh my dear bu, goodbu
You gave my shelter when bus howled

The bu has come, my bu is now done
keep buning forever!

A bu tune accompanies my last bus of life
bulling my passing away

Dream the butest dreams
Bubububu dreams
Take bu hand and dream
Bubububu dreams

Hilj(bubu runs in my veins, not blood :D )
Originally posted by hyena
yeah. this is the bubu, has it been said before, that a bu would stain. that's exactly what static said. and that white, sticky substance does not tend to taste *sweet*, you know. many words come to mind, but not *sweet*. :Smug:


Don't bu it till you've bu'd it. :p