
Originally posted by hyena
yeah. this is the bubu, has it been said before, that a bu would stain. that's exactly what static said. and that white, sticky substance does not tend to taste *sweet*, you know. many words come to mind, but not *sweet*. :Smug:


what was the purpose of giving me that information I didn't want to have? :erk:
bubu is such a bubu word
so full of bu
and such aplomb
loneliness bubu bubu bu
like a disease
that bu along
the bu of your life can't be had for a song

@thanatos: oh yes you wanted to have that info. you have to care for the people that give you bu jobs. this means you have to be able to anticipate what they will think of the, let's say, outcome. and since you normally wouldn't ask "how did it taste?" (i really hope you wouldn't), what better way to know than hearing it here first? :p

i can go bubububu
the bubu's bubu
tell me does bu exist beyond bu?
when i need to bu
i bubu, bubu, bu
into oblivion

Misty bu enlighten my way
To seek the ancient bubu
Travel to the far buyond
To unveil that carven in bu

Bu's of my forefathers bu
Acknowledged before my bu
Here in this bubu hall
I grasp at the bubus

Feel the gaze of enticing bu
Unite myself with our bubus bu
Bu in the knowledge of ancient bubu
I am the bu come again

Bubu Of The Nordic Twilight
Ille dise fastus/fastus est per lege Per quem lege lice/licebit agi Studia nostra nostrae/nostrae naturae re Regula metiamur/naturae regula Cruor signaverat/signaverat herbam Innocentium cruor/domine domine Propemodum saecul/saeculi res in un Res in unum diem/fortuna cumulat Quis tam animo agresti fuit ut non commoveretur? Tu te dictis praebere me/dictis praebere memento Luna solis lumine collustratur Mors morte pianda est
Soon the dew of morning filled the silent wood And when the sunbeams kissed his face He opened his so lucky eyes in front of him the oak The whispers of the river the freshness of the bu Oh, my god(Rahvin?), where was I ... A land where my dreams rule Where hopes of victory become reality for every man That hardly raised the steel The fight for bubu of reign is so won once again

Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies Glory, pride and bubu for my will for justice everywhere I can´t believe what I have seen in that fantasy world of mystery Many warriors and kings, thousands of swords of steel all united for victory I speak to you for the last time before we ride to the sun I could survive in your proud heart ´cause you are now one of us!

We are the bubu of the nordic twilight We are the lords of ice and snow For the love we fight for the peace we ride For the skies we´ll reign together

Then he felt on his knees having heard all those words And moved by the honor so... "oh, no my bubu too much for me I cannot still believe, the chance you give me is so great... I am a blessed man!" Now convinced of the power of what love can do And while the whispers of the brave began to fade

He understood that life wouldn´t be the same, With all emotions of today he would have found his way Warriors, battles, swords of steel and magic, tragic destinies Glory, pride and honor for my will for justice everywhere I can´t believe what I have seen in that fantasy world of mystery Many warriors and kings, thousands of swords of steel all united for victory At last also I know truly what love can do So try to live at your best building your magical fate

We are the bubu of the nordic twilight We are the lords of ice and snow For the love we fight for the peace we ride For the skies we´ll reign together

"...and finally the silent woods of valdaran greet the fierce battalion. The victory rides in the heart of all bu... And light and shadows play all over the land Before the lord of twilight allows the tired knights to enjoy a deserved Rest..." But not too long, my friends, because evil is riding now Along the border between earth and hell... May now your kingdom prevail!

Cruor signaverat/signaverat herbam Innocentium cruor/domine domine Propemodum saecul/saeculi res in un Res in unum diem/fortuna cumulat Quis tam animo agresti fuit ut non commoveretur?

Domine, domine Perpetua gloria Raise high your steel friends, because evil is riding now Along the border between earth and hell... May the wise kingdom prevail!
i don't remember if i already posted this one but it is way too cool to even risk not sharing:

how are you sleeping
middle bubu cold winds blow
from the bu the bubu drifting
bubu round like bu in the snow
poetry majestic
tells the time of a bu empire
bubu bu the bubu ponders
bubububu! an age gone by

bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu
bu bu bu bu bu bu bu
bu bu bu bu bu bu bu bu
bu bu bu bu bu bu bu

dance of the bu
hold up your bu
remember who you are
can you release
the bubu the grief
bu bubu bubu
now your bubu are free
(Don't know if someone posted this before)

Like frozen bus
We are falling
On the soil so bubu and cold

The rays of the bu
No more warming
Our hearts now so bu

Through this field
Of the withered bubus
We bu still one more time

The hidden bubu
Forever bu
The bubu's frozen once again

So bu this time
When bubu blackened my heart:
I can't stand this pain

The bu is broken
It's tearing open my scars:
I want to feel the bu...again

The bu behind
The frozen bu
Reminds me of your eyes (bu eyes...:confused: :D )

The spark of bu
Still in my heart
Shall bus become true under ice?

Hilj(winter is coming......:D )
with bu over here
and bu over there
barbed wire bubu
we're going nowhere

Black Bubu
Son of twilight lord of shadows caress of the moonlight
Chasing wisdom in the darkness he soon found his way
He beheld the tyrant father hated lord of kalgor
Close to death he left his castle fleeing through the marsh
He swore to the clouds he'd be born again
To live a new bu fighting in his name
Over mountains hills and valleys he could reach his heaven
The dark land known as bubububu real enchant of north
There he found the dusty village in that night of no stars
Had to fight the reputation of his bloody past
But she decided to give her help
And soon their wise love made this their bu

Black dragon fly high and win your past
Lost in the fire, the fire of hate
Black dragon fly high spit your red flame
They're lost in the fire of damned The fire of hate

Black dragon's pride
Inter fulmina et in tenebris
Comes from the bubu
Mihi horror membra percipit

Rides to reach the far winter bu
Bringing death where he met life
Demons ride to reach the far winter bu
Bringing death where he met life
And right here holy blood will flow

Black dragon fly high and regain your past
Lost in the fire, the fire of bubu
Black dragon fly high spit your red flame
They're lost in the fire of damned
The fire of bubu
the new hammerfall has an actual hymn to the bubububu. it's called hearts on fire or, if you prefer, bubububu. :)
it goes a bit like this, with all the chanting and whatnot typical of epic power mighty-warriors-and-steel-and-leather-underpants metal:

bubububu, bubububu
bubububu with desire
bubububu, bubububu
bubububu with desire
bubu for the steel!

then the backing vocals start singing bu! bu! bu! bu! while the lead vocalist screeches at deadly speed bubububu, bubububu, bubububu with desire.

now, that's epic. :D

|ng: can i please have your permission to print a tshirt with that sentence? :lol:

Sure, and I've got more in stock, but every sentence has its subsequent price (intellectual rights, you know).

|ng ("Intellectual" and |ngenius are opposite terms)
Format B: For Bubu

Mental bubus on
Early on the bubunation intense
How to discern just where bu belongs

Something has got to bu
These bus i just don't want you to see

There is no need for you to start bubububus
I don't want you to talk to the bubus
Just show me a brand new bu
An open mind against a dying bu

Something has got to bu
These bus i just don't want you to hear/feel

Cannot bu in this era of bubus
Bu the bu of those that once held the bubus (this is obscure...hermetic bubu poetry ;) )
Cannot give you the bubus anew
nor will you know bubucence again

Something has got to bu
These bus i just don't want you to know

In time all you bubus will be answered
not what you hoped for, not what you dreamed
all bubububus crumble

Something has got to bu
These bus i just don't want you to learn

Won't hold up to the bubus you bu
never came for the bubutive years
Just show me a brand new bu
Keep in what you left bubu

Something has got to bu
These bus i just don't want you to be

Hilj(seeing/hearing/feeling/knowing/learnig/being bu :D )