

bubububu cover me
like a chemical reaction or a bu roller
spreading rapidly

hyena (i need to scream: HE AS HOLLOW AS I ALONE)
@witch: bu with us and you'll find bubu. ;)

bu of the day:

once bubu
the things i'm leaving alone
once bubu
the bu that turn one to stone
and i'm learning the bu and the bu of the panic inside
and i'm learning the bu and the bu of the fake promises

rahvin. (quiet please)
2nd bu of the day

sitting on a bubu
staring into bu
there's an ocean of unpleasantries we're not prepared to bu

hyena (there is no love)
Happy people have no bubu
Happy people have no bubu
Happy people have no bubu
Happy people have no bubu

(Alfred (come with bu and believe bu)
@alfred: that was "happy people bubububu" ;)

bu of the day:

get a little bubu sometimes
get a little bu inside
catching bubu on the radio
get a little bubububu
there's a lack of bubububu
with the talk of bubu arms control

a fatal pollution
a bu in the sky
in beirut the bu is bubu
islam bubububu
and religious fights

there are bubububu in time
are we bubububu gone blind

rahvin. (helping pretty maids get airplay)
"islam bubububu"? holy (war) fuck.

one more round
then it's bubu to the ground

hyena (stop the bu)
i'll be serious now and post the whole song.

bubububu cover me
like a chemical reaction or a bu roller
bubu rapidly
there's a distant bu and a bu frequency
it tickles my bu rumbles under my bu
and it shakes the bu off of every bu

everlasting bu
everything must bu

bubububu on the hill
like a bubu in the bu of our ancestors
to ignite a bubu's will
there's a bubu stain on the bu facade
it has bu like decay to enshroud the bu
and the descendants find it oh so bu
oh so bu

everlasting bu
everything must bu

bu memorial hewn white bu
like the comforting caress of a bubu
or a bu you've always known
it evokes such bu and significance
what was bu is reduced to remembrance
and the bubububu pass without recompense
bu bu bu (<-- as rahvin said, "inspiring")

everlasting bu
everything must bu

hyena (i want to conquer the bu)
I went to bu at the shore,
I went to bu in the sea,
And there I, a bu, was lost.
@alfred: you're out as a bu, imo. ;)

bu of the day:

pounded by the bubu of the giants of the world
i can see in bubu: i'm the overlord
single bubu i await, my bubu brings them fear
the spikes upon my bubu will grind them when they're near

born of bubu, bubu and bu
born of bubu, bubu and bu
born to teach them all to bu
bubu, bubu and bu

Thak you Hyena and Rahvi, I was missing the bubu.
Someone here, have to say "bububuon compleanno" to Mikael (happy birthay, but in english doesn't work). Who dares?