buy Mike an album thread

Charles Mingus - The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady, one of the best jazz albums ever. Absolutely essential. I also heartily recommend Wayne Shorter - Speak No Evil.
i know Mike appreciates this:
haha great, Ive been a proglover since I started with Pink Floyd at the age of 14 and smoked dope to it with my friends.went over all the 70s symphonic legends and 90s progmetal giants. built kind of an arrogance to my taste of music.
opeth was a fantastic way for me to get into more extrem music. since discovering them I was always hunting a metal band that could live up to opeth (I gave that up and opened myself to some great blackmetal and avantgarde stuff)

but recently as I discovered the range of classical music that my local library has to offer I went into a whole nother direction. classical music, a whole new universe to discover, so much to know, so much to like, so much to dislike, so much to be frighten of, and so much you can pour pure joy off.

two great pieces of bartok and prokofiev

and of course noone could do without the great concerto from tchaikovsky

sry for my bad english but I havent spoken nor written anything in english since i finished school 3 years ago. so excuussee me :)
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Oracle is a great band, hard to tell their genre though, but it's the only band I know from Gibraltar :)
hard to get a hand on though.