buy Mike an album thread

very good thread! it seems like mikael doesnt listen to alot of new metal music, so i would probably give him an album such as wolves in the throne room's two hunters. show him that americans can make new and unforgettable music.:cool:
Comus, Camel, King Crimson oh and Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon, jus zo he noes mor bout prog rok! No idea, I'd probably just ask if he knew (current favorite bands) and if not get this and that etc, though I'm sure he gets plugs all the time. lol at coldplay, if I was to seriously buy him an album I'd get something rare as hell that he may have not heard. Though I wouldn't buy him one as it would surely look like an attempt at his cock. Lothlorien is on the money though, I guess I would probably get him an contemporary metal album and I'm sure most of you know what it would be.
a deathspell omega album. mike, have you listened to these badasses yet?
Watain - Sworn to the Dark
Gojira - Way of the Flesh
Kings of Leon - Only by the Night
Muse (the latest one, forgot title ... remember Mike said in an interview once he wants to check them out, maybe he did already)

But actually I'm pretty sure he's aware of all this already .... I don't think he doesn't check out modern-day metal music, his playlists on the official website always included some.