buy Mike an album thread

I would love to hear Mike's reaction to Tom Waits. I've never heard him mention Tom in any interviews, but it seems like something that he would take an interest to. Tom Waits is an absolute genius. Not metal...and definitely an aquired taste. But an absolute genius.
I would love to hear Mike's reaction to Tom Waits. I've never heard him mention Tom in any interviews, but it seems like something that he would take an interest to. Tom Waits is an absolute genius. Not metal...and definitely an aquired taste. But an absolute genius.
Tom Waits :worship:
I know Grutle from Enslaved loves Tom Waits, so maybe Mike would too.

i would get him some weird electronica to see his reaction...would probably start with aphex twin's "come to daddy ep"

Haha, seriously buying albums to Mike would feel a bit ridiculous. I mean, the guy is very aware of many kinds of music and bands already and has A LOT more CD's than I do. I don't really know what I would "want" him to hear if I could choose something. Especially as I don't know if he already knows just about every band I like! So seriously...