buy Mike an album thread

Ayreon - 01011001
Children of Bodom - Follow the reaper
Stratovarius - Elements pt1 & 2

Quess that's it, though I think he has the first one.
I'd buy him Gemini by Sven Van Hees, its a bit like porn music lol! Its very jazz influenced. Also I'd like to give him my rare Whitesnake L.P, but I should think he already has it!
Midnight Juggernauts - Dystopia. Pretty great electronica/ dance, reminds me of Bowie at times. But does anyone know if Mike still even lurks around here?
Hmmm.....all the bands I like Mikey has prololy already listebnd to already....BUt.....maybe..."green carnation - Acsoutic verse"......that be a nice treat......PEACE OUT
Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum


Rhapsody - Symphony of enchanted lands pt. 2
serously, I love that album, it's cheesy as hell, but whatever, the music's good