By Request, The Official Royal Carnage Anal Sex Thread... Choo choo!!

Papa Josh said:
We are a diverse people...
I was thinking about the power outages and how they might have been terrorist related...either way, the world knows now that the USA doesn't know how to cope with power shortage. Kinda funny how they were interviewing Iraqi's about the NE coping in the dark.

So, staying in line with the War against Terrorism and Pillow Biting in the same thread....

You know, with the recent power outages, I was curious as to how many people were stuck out at their workplaces and had to stay at local hotels (rather than going home). Can you imagine how many people went to happy hour drinking and then had illicit affairs?
How many of them do you think tried out for their brown wings? :loco:
Yeah, things like that definitely happen. There was a HUGE snowstorm in Philly in '97 or something like that and no one could go anywhere for about 3 days. Not only were there a whole load of babies born 9 months later, but a friend of mine met her future husband because of it (they both were stuck in his brother's apt. during the 3 days).
Howard Stern was talking about it this morning - when Times Square blacked out, people were just wandering the streets in darkness at 2am, and guys and girls just started to make out! It was like a knee jerk reaction or something. :hypno:

This is how the mind of a guy works - he meets some female non-English speaking tourist in blacked out NYC and tells her that all this darkness is because the country is under attack and that these could be their final moments thing you know, their playing humpty dumpty. :loco:

You see, at least if they practiced anal then there wouldn't be so many unwanted pregnancies. People need to be more responsible like that. :tickled:

"You know baby, we might, like die or something, this may be our last day on earth so we should like you know... do it."

Is it Airplane I or II where the young girl goes around to all the male passengers and says "I've never... been with a man before... and since we might die today..." Funny stuff.
You know, that pinkpornstars website threw in a default new homepage on my internet browser. I shouldn't have done that - this is a work laptop. The new homepage was some dodgy yellow pages site and I couldn't change it because my version of IE is adapted to my company standards where the buttons in the 'Internet Options' drop down are greyed out. (Did that make any sense?!) Luckilly, the guy who fixed me up was cool, although he knew I'd been surfing porn, heh.

Also, some of these website have these shitty pop ups where they ask if you want to install some fake driver. Apparently, *just* before you hit the 'no' or 'cancel' button, they have a script that flicks the button to mean 'yes'.

Anyway, back to the topic of pillow biting....
I'm absolutely certain there are better browsers. The only thing is, this is my work computer and so I am not allowed to install anything 'unofficial' as such. My Dreamweaver is allowed because I told them it was for work related matters.

Can you believe I built Royal Carnage on a shitty little laptop? Wait don't answer that one, heh, but I really need to get myself a PC at home with one of those nice flatscreen monitors.
Don't click on popups ever either, just close the window.

I need to rid myself of this Microsoft curse, I swear this is a regressive company. I have all the latest and greatest software on this work computer and it sucks ass. Outlook is freakin terrible, I cannot believe this program is popular. *sigh* So is AOL though. Bah. Bah I say.

I'm going the way of Linux Mandrake by the way, only have to wait a few more weeks now.
Outlook is the worst e-mail client in history, but Lotus Notes is not much better. Both are abundant throughout corporations.

The worst thing about Outlook is when trying to connect on-line, and it can't find the mailserver. So what options does it give you? "Retry" or "Work Offline". What about "Cancel" you dumb cunts?
Yeah what the fuck is this "work offline" garbage???

Signatures are fun too, and working with two email accounts is nearly impossible. How many emails have the RC staff gotten from my work account because Outlook is impossible to navigate!???!?

I remember working with Netscape for all my email and internet use, that was great, everything was straight forward.