chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Oh, there is one! :heh:

I shoot porn - a couple of drunk fucks were mating in the bathroom which happened to have a window... I was hoping for snuff porn - slut's boyfriend was picking her up any minute. I still have that footage, too dark to really see anything, but me and my buddy - we had a wonderful time: "So, who's gona get anotehr beer? You go..." - "No you, I'll be watching" - "No beer for us then!"

Good times.
My libido was put to the test yesternight... and it failed miserably: girls from back "home" are a total turn off (even that good looking and that much fun).

We can be great friends, but fucking - fuck no. It's like commiting incest or something - feels weird.
@rampy: if it's any consolation, i got dumped on my birthday as well, even if there was no party (worse than that - a romantic night out for two).

as for the invitees etc, i guess it's very subjective - one of the rare circumstances in which i embrace an 'everybody can be right' view. i see where rahvin's coming from, but personally i don't share his inclination: although i'm older than you are by a few years, i still like to entertain, and maybe 2-3 times a year i throw parties. in part it has to do with networking, but in part it's just fun. for example, i'm going to have 2 housewarming parties, one for my colleagues only + families, which will clock in at some 25 people including kids, and one (which will also be a shared birthday party for my friend Fabrizio and I) for friends, their partners, acquaintances from work, assorted cops, people who want to meet specimens of the opposite gender etc, and i guess that i'll have around 70 people in attendance. the point about big parties is that they are expensive and of course you need to devise a strategy not to end up on your own with your 2 closest friends, but just give networking/meeting opportunities and people will flow to your place like a murder of crows.
year, well I'm single but out of the 25 people who said would "definitely come I can't miss this blah blah blah" 2 came.

I am one crappy birthday short of becoming a deeply cynical, egocentric and misanthrope bastard.

thats why I dont make parties for my b-day. the last one I dit, was for my 12th b-day, but the people I invited immediately said they couldnt come. Obsously no one cared.
no one cares about nothing really, come on (excluding 2-3 close friends). parties are attended or not depending on what the party is expected to be like. it's a reputation game.
Well, it's time I go on some corrections and precisions about my recent whining.

First, thanks to all for your wishes and words of wisdom.

But, to clarify about the party. It wasn't called at my house. I'm not crazy enough to bring 25 young drunkards like me in my own house, I live with my bros and dad. It'd be a living nightmare. I called it in a popular bar, which is pretty much the centerfold of nightlife for me and everyone I know around my town.

Good friends are few and far between, so now that you know how important you really are for these people, you may want to look more for quality and less for quantity. Caring genuinely for someone who doesnt care about you is worst mistake you can make.

I'm aware of that, I simply had a high attendence expectancy for that specific party. My bad, I guess. In fact I have only few very close friends.

I couldn't find 25 people who'd come to a party, any party, unless it was for the free alcohol and the chance to meet girls. Let alone that I wouldn't enjoy spending time with that many people around in any case.

Well I don't mind having 25 people around. I'm an entertainer and also, somewhat of an attention-whore. Also I have knowledge that when you invite a big enough amount of people, they just start hanging in small bands and have random discussions and drinking contests. Then, I just move from one group to another, enjoying everyone. Of course, not all of them are very close friends. They're just social activity buddies and their not being at my b-day party wasn't as painful as I let you all believe. Sorry for the confusion.

The two who came might be your real good friends, and that's about as many as anybody gets (and can handle) in a lifetime.

Now is time for another clarification. I have a very divided circle of friends. The ones I invited were all school acqaintances and most of them I usually see every month or so. Only a significant three I expected to come and two of these three came. So it's not that bad. I now have to organise yet another night for my closer friends, the ones I've been dragging since childhood or almost. These ten or so people, I know, will not let me down. Even out of these ten, only about 5 are really close friends. I couldn't even imagine how my life would be if I'd have 20 or so close friends. I'm already busy enough with work, school, acting and improv.

@rampy: if it's any consolation, i got dumped on my birthday as well, even if there was no party (worse than that - a romantic night out for two).

Well, two more like us and we can start our very own emo rock band.
Ever had a dream of a Slayer tourbus parking in front of your house blocking the way and having a permit for it?

I just had that dream last night... and you know what? Knowing that In Flames were on tour with Slayer in Europe, I started looking for them around. I guess they had their own bus or something...

Hehe, that's a pretty good one, Plin. I usually have pretty weird dreams, but they're more along the lines of Mitch Hedberg style than relating to real life stuff.


"See, when I want to sleep, I want to sleep. I don't want to dream. Dreaming is work. Like, there I am, laying in my comfortable bed, getting ready to sleep... Next thing you know, I have to build a go-cart with my ex-landlord."
Haha, this reminds me of my most sacred dream.
One night I dreamt that Dark Tranquillity were playng in my house. The sound was awful so Stanne had to sit on my bed for me to hear what he was singing.

I saw Blind Guardian in concert yesterday night.

I'm not a fan, since I didn't know the songs, and I'm not into Power Metal that much. But I must admit that the gig was awesome and according to the crowd, they did play older stuff, and the crowd was amazing, singing and screaming, etc... The guys seemed glad to be on stage, and they gave a great show.
I won't go buy every Blind Guardian album because I liked the show, but I changed my mind on that band, I thought it was really cheesy and fast, but this is the kind of Power Metal I like, obviously !

"Imaginations from the other siiiiide... "
@Kat: I used to be a bigger fan of them back in the day. I just kinda grew away from it. But before I did, I got the chance to see them live, and it completely blew me away. Seriously, the energy they had I've only ever seen rivaled by DT. And the crowd was drinking it up as well. Too bad the rest of the concert sucked.

(Except, surprisingly, the local opening band, who got boo'd off the stage. They were actually pretty damn good.)

Saw COB yesternight - piece of shit of roommate of mine bailed the fuck out 2.5 hours before the show (we got tickets more than a month ago), so I had to go by myself, since there weer no one who wanted or could go FOR FREE to see COB. Oh well.

Got to the end of the looong line, but made it to the second row (count as first as there were girls in front). Saw a huge dude 7'+ :D

Show was awesome, they played Mask of Sanity "first time in the States", no HCDR, one old song, which I shamefuklly forgot it was :( Hatebreeder? Downfall for encore, Alexi was shaking, first Gojira's gig in the States - all in all was a good night :)

Blind Guardian on Saturday night.

Haha, this reminds me of my most sacred dream.
One night I dreamt that Dark Tranquillity were playng in my house. The sound was awful so Stanne had to sit on my bed for me to hear what he was singing.

Hilarious :D :D :D
Yeah, I meant to comment on that before, Ins. For some reason, the sound quality of my dreams is always really shitty. And I can usually talk to people in my dreams, except when it actually matters - then I start to wake up and can feel my body actually trying to say what I'm trying to say in the dream. It's really bizarre.

Well, two more like us and we can start our very own emo rock band.

Why oh why didn't they assist to Rampy's party? Now he's turned emo! NOOOOO!!! :cry:

InsArtTure said:
One night I dreamt that Dark Tranquillity were playng in my house. The sound was awful so Stanne had to sit on my bed for me to hear what he was singing.

Yeah, I have had a lot of dreams in which bands come to my house. Actually I daydream about that a lot, stuff like DT coming here again (yeah fucking right :cry: ), and that the guy come to my house to grab something to eat, and they complain because there isn't any beer in me house, so we go to the local supermarket to buy some. Then we come back and listen to some metal cds in my room, and the says how wonderful my collection is ( :p ), abd the guys don't fit in my room because it is so small hehe.

Then I come back to reality. How sad :ill: :erk: :cry: :rolleyes: :p .

@Kat: Ah you're SO lucky, you don't know but a lot of people, including me, would kill to see BG live!!!

No really, BG is actually is in my top 5 of favourite bands (I actually post in their phorum under the UN "THe Black Dahlia Murder").

I have nearly all of their cds, which is an amazing feat for someone who doesn't work, lives in a 3d-world country in which cds cost %25+ more than what they cost in the US or Europe, and considering the quantity of BG albums that's a lot to say IMO hehe.

Buuuu I'm sad :cry: .

I would like to see COB live also, just to yell "Touch like an Angel of Death!!!" My fave COB song, and truly a great one :headbang: :kickass: :worship: .

I saw COB's recent recent release, the live cd, and felt SO FUCKING SAD. To think that a year ago it was one of my fave bands and that after AYDY? I now fucking hate that faggot Laiho so much.

Even Mrs.Gigig saw the cover and was like :" :OMG: that's Children?!? How hideously sad... ."
I would like to see COB live also, just to yell "Touch like an Angel of Death!!!" My fave COB song, and truly a great one.

I saw COB's recent recent release, the live cd, and felt SO FUCKING SAD. To think that a year ago it was one of my fave bands and that after AYDY? I now fucking hate that faggot Laiho so much.

Even Mrs.Gigig saw the cover and was like :" :OMG: that's Children?!? How hideously sad... ."

Their show was really something this Wednesday, and they played set-list different to their live album(s), too. AYDY - nah, I didn't bother picking it up (took off a single, but that was it), but I'm going for the live DVD.

Would you miss COB when they are in town after all you said? :heh:
Got Pirates of teh Caribbean 2 DVD yesterday :heh: Official release is on Tuesday. Go, me :)

With all the stuff Disney and Co are releasing on BR, I'm going for a PS3 and a big-ass LCD TV by the end of next year (if they don't come up with anything better for BR and HD discs). Seriously - all that quality for that money? I paid $30 (had to) for the 2-DVD package, when you can get HD DVD for that money (not sure how much Blue-Ray is, but around that I think).

I mean - 30 bucks for high definition and supreme quality and more-more-more? Worth the money, I think :)
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