chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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^ Pliny why did you do that to poor Kat? :cry:

:p Hope you're having a great time, both of you hehe. Are you going to any konzerts?
He did nothing bad, he was the best host I have never had before, I felt like a princess :)
I'm back home and safe ! Yay! Will upload pictures on my Flickr later on ;)
Wow :D

Thanks :)

It's been awesome, I just wish I had more time to hang :S Fucking work.

Kat - "no more red bull for you" :heh:

//I'll put video together during the weekend :D
That's true... no more red bull, I had two yesterday at the gig and I was feeling kind of bad hahaha too much of it ! :p
Next time we'll hang out more ! ;)
Speaking of people entering Plinny's dark realm...

Two hours ago.

GF: Yeah, so I've been thinking of where to live after I'm done with my PhD.
Me: Oh, you don't want to stay in Boston?
GF: No, it's too depressing. Everyone here is just depressed all the time. But I don't want to go back to The City, [NYC, of course] because there's just too many people, and it's too close to home.
Me: So, what, something west-coast? Cali?
GF: Actually, I was thinking of staying on the east coast for a while. How about Philly? That seems like a good place, right?
Me: ... <start Jaws theme song...>

I am trying to make a report for some experiment we made in physiks 3 weeks ago. Its due on Thursday, and I am quite far to finish it. And for a part of the experiment, I am missing a few datas, which makes the whole report unfinishable...
Next year we plant to change university because Tal must go somewhere else for the specialisation he wants to do. And I just found out that for Geology, the schedule over there is a bit different from what I have here (some courses I have in first year are in 2nd year, and maths are divided in different modules-here i have just one 2-semester module).
Hope it is not going to be too hard to organise all of that, or that i can work out a schedule with to cope up with things i havent done yet/things i have already done ...
DS: Good luck with the move. I'll know approximately how hard it is to uproot job and such in a year or so as well, so I'll be able to comisserate a little :)

I am trying to make a report for some experiment we made in physiks 3 weeks ago. Its due on Thursday, and I am quite far to finish it. And for a part of the experiment, I am missing a few datas, which makes the whole report unfinishable...


Who really needs all that data anyway? :D It's only physics.

~kov. (Master of plotting the curve, then making up data to match it :D)
Who really needs all that data anyway? :D It's only physics.

~kov. (Master of plotting the curve, then making up data to match it :D)

Well. how am i supposed to prove that the damned equation is correct if i am missing 2 of the parameters?

And for the graphic i have to do, I think i will just try your way of doing it :lol:
Leaving for my interview in less than an hour... I'll meet Anders around 4:30pm, I'm a little bit nervous right now... guess it's normal ! :D I only have a 15-minutes interview though, but it's better than nothing!
I was going to ask what you were going to ask, and then I realized you'd already left, and I'd probably just have to read the interview after the fact to figure it out :p

DS: Don't forget - when you make up the data, don't make it perfect - you have to keep some errors in when you fabricate it - you just want the curve to stay the same, not look like it was made up :D

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