chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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nf: fuckity.

1. there's a giant fire in the city and no news agency is able to give information about what is burning and why.

2. i have an office party scheduled for the 20th, a three-in-one thingie meant to celebrate the birthday of 2 colleagues and to act as housewarming for my new flat. i just discovered that the fucking sofas and the fucking bookshelves won't be delivered before the 22nd. i'm going to look like the moron of the century. fuck.
2. i have an office party scheduled for the 20th, a three-in-one thingie meant to celebrate the birthday of 2 colleagues and to act as housewarming for my new flat. i just discovered that the fucking sofas and the fucking bookshelves won't be delivered before the 22nd. i'm going to look like the moron of the century. fuck.

Borrow some from a neighbor? I don't just mean to do it so the guests will have somewhere to rest their bones in lack of a portasedere, but you might find some furniture that actually fits your style and they could legitimately believe it's yours.
@rahv: thankies, but i don't really know any of my new neighbors - i'll solve the problem by providing an excessive number of chairs, i have a lot of nice ones and they won't make me look awful. still, there's going to be crates of books lying around, precarious tv/computer arrangements, and the showoff effect will definitely be suffocated by this. i really hope that the one person i was looking forward to entertaining (heh) won't come, such being the situation. fuck fuckity fuck fuck.
@hyena: How about postponing the party for Saturday? 20 is a Wednesday anyway, no good party happens when you have to work the next day.

That said, i'm invited to a formal dinner on the 20th by my prof who's giving a speech earlier that day. What a cool person he is.
@siren: most of my coworkers are originally from cities other than rome, so everyone's going home on the friday. i'm staying because my family is coming down here, but that's an exception.
Yeah. So I may be moving up to Boston earlier than expected. Seems it would have been a better idea to just have tried to get a job up there from the get-go. Emotionally, the distance really isn't working. It's incredibly depressing during the week, and leaving every sunday is painful.

The problem arises in that my boss had asked me to try to stay for at least 1-2 years when I signed on. Hopefully they'll let me transfer within the company. Otherwise, I'm looking at having to find a totally new job once I'm up there. (Not incredibly difficult given the fact that the whole bloody town has been under construction for the past decade or so.)

I would like to have the opportunity to move somewhere else... I feel like changing my life from A to Z... I wanna see the world! I feel like that sometimes :) I'm not worried hahaha !!!
Red Bull got me hyped - my day is almost through.

I need to decide whether I'm going out tonight - it should be fast and painless then...
Well, I'll be of to the Old continent in a few hours, I'll be leaving tommorrow (14/12) hopefully at 16:30.

I hope the flight isn't delayed or anything, I'll be going by Air Madrid, and well the company has had a lot of trouble lately getting on time (to the point that Spain is considering of not leting them fly anymore hehe).

Well, I'm sure I'll have a good time since i had a terrible day today (got a fight with my dad, an ATM swallowed my card, fucking LOL what a day :loco: :erk: :lol: ), so karma will do it's bidding hehe.

@ Hyena: I'll go to Italy and all, can we still meet at soem point? I'll try to send you a PM or something.

Well, I have to sleep, goodbye my friends!

PS: A little gift on my behalf to all fellow phorum members that love my smiley's so much:

:headbang: :kickass: :Smokin: :loco: :puke: :cry: :ill: :err: ( :rolleyes: :p :heh: ) :heh: .
My friend introduced me to the best thing ever: free C# development studio; what it is - it's a free UI installed over NET 2.0 framework + NET 2.0 SDK (both you can get from Microsoft for free), and - BAM!, you don't need visual studio any more... at least for C#

As soon as I'm done with my little projects, I'm going to enjoy myself with a test drive :)
NF: Like I want to roll over and die.

Getting bitched at by my mom over the phone at work because I'm heading up to Boston even though my dad asked me for help moving something. I don't know if it's that I'm weird or something, but the only person I care about (this is pretty much completely true, as cold as that may sound) is in another state, and I'd rather spend the time there. She complains that I don't do anything when I get home from work, and when I ask what the hell she'd like me to do, she has no response. I don't think she quite realizes that once I'm out of NY, she'll be lucky to see me once a year. I don't know if a single other person in my life aggravates me as much as her, and at the same time, it makes me feel like shit to feel that way about my mom. It just doesn't seem right, and yet I can't help it.

I have a fucked up, suburban-style, relationship with them. And I'm unloading it on you all. Sorry.

~kov. (I had this depressing thought after reading the above that one day I'll [d]evolve into some kind of super-emo-blogger-kid.)
Just imagine both your parents die this weekend while you are in Boston having fun.

If you can go after all - you can go.
I think that's a rather extreme thing to say. Especially considering that could very well happen while I'm at work one day. Should I just stay home from work all the time? (I'm tempted to say yes, but not for that reason.) [EDIT: You can skip to the last para now if you don't want to read a bunch of whining.]

I think it's indicative of my mood right now, though, that I'm merely torn when contemplating what you said. My statement that they'll never see me again was a bit of an exaggeration, I'll admit. But the truth is, that I'm moving out some time in the next year, to another state, and she's still trying to cling to me as if I was in grade school. It's rather aggravating, and has bred a hell of a lot of resentment in me for quite some time. She seems to treat my girlfriend as a direct threat to her control over me, and hates whenever I spend more time with her than with my family. Especially considering that this relationship is now 4.5 years old. Which is longer than my parents knew each other when they got married. For all the shit I've been through in this relationship, we've always come out stronger in the end (with one or two exceptions), and (frighteningly) we're one of the most well-adjusted relationships I see around me.

In short, I'm most upset about her inability to adapt. What the hell does she think is gonna happen after I've moved? I'm gonna come back down every weekend to help them move furniture?

Egoism saves.

I left my parents when I was 20 (I didn't see them for 5 years, and chances are won't see till the rest of their lives - anything can happen, see above). But, I made them understand that any decision I make is my decision, and nothing is going to change that, so they had to adapt. May be it was easier because we are so far from each other. But that's anotehr story.

You are moving out soon anyway: stay one weekend with your parents, next weekend in Boston will be sweeter, and everyone will be happy. Otherwise that can become a routine and lose it's taste at all.

My thoughts, not necessarily something to do with reality.
I do appreciate the insight. It's one of the reasons I post my problems. Sometimes I'm too close to them to look at it objectively.

One of the major problems with the distance - and one of the reasons I've been going up every weekend - was that for two years prior to her move, we lived together. It's been a terrible time for us trying to adjust to seeing each other only two days a week, after seeing each other almost every waking moment. Psychologically and emotionally, it's been very rough, because as an outgrowth of living together, we truly became each other's best friends. So now we're both really on our own, with no real friends around to hang out with, etc. It was something that was never a problem when we were [physically] together.

What really sucks about it all is that it wouldn't have even been an issue if I'd just tried to get a job up there in the first place.

Been there done that: distance grew from 100 miles to 8000, and seeing her 2-7 days a week - I had to wait for months with time going.

We are no longer together, and I can't be happier about the fact of it; all it means - long distance relationships are a real test, so good luck =)
Ouch, I can't imagine going a full month without seeing her. Two full weeks was bad enough.

I think it's amazing we lasted this long apart, given how close we used to be. It's incredibly taxing on both of us.

Ive never had a parent be overly protective, rather the opposite (my dad sometimes seems a little indifferent), but if you feel that your mom is clinging to you, dont let it get to you. Do what you feel is right and dont let your mom chain you at home. Moving away seems the best way, Im sure things will get easier once you're out of the house and out of reach.

Dont feel bad afterwards for not seeing your parents.. I really try to be home as much as I can, and Im home for 3 weeks a year at the very most
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