chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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I can't believe I missed the opportunity to say the 'for a post' bit. Damn you plin. But yeah, sorry to hear that Hyena - that sucks - haven't coded in a long while, but I still remember how that sucks.

Hooray! Pain has migrated down six inches so at least I can move my neck without worry. Now the middle of my back just hurts. But who cares about that shit. As long as I can headbang at the shows.

Hooray! It's monday! Another great week at work!

I had a 17-hour long day on Saturday (up and out 5:40 am - back 10:30 pm) including time on the road), so regular Monday at work AND after is taken as a blessing. Even with that weather outside.
I can feel Spring here. Warm temperature, sun, blue sky!
I'm feeling great ! And Dark Tranquillity is coming in a month, so what else do we need ? :) lol
I can feel Spring here. Warm temperature, sun, blue sky!
I'm feeling great ! And Dark Tranquillity is coming in a month, so what else do we need ? :) lol

1. Money.
2. Booze.
3. Hookers.
4. Good health.
5. Cross out "hookers".
As long as we all have our priorities straight :D

Plin - what the hell were you doing for 17 hours? I beat you for time on Friday, but technically I got some sleep on the bus to Boston, so I guess you win (even though I fell asleep at a weird angle and my neck just hurt worse until Saturday night). Got up at 4:45 on Friday, to get to a field site by 8:00, to sit around for an inspection at 10:00 that took 2 hours, to get back to the office by 1 for a 3 hour seminar. An hour playing catch-up at the end of the day, then out to catch a 6:00 bus to get up there by 11:00, then hang out till crash at 2:00.

And at least it's not freezing on contact like it did last time. I'd much rather take super-awesome-packing-snow over that slippery shit anytime. Although now it's less super-awesome, and more slushy-wet-in-shoes.

As long as we all have our priorities straight :D

Plin - what the hell were you doing for 17 hours?

Business trip:

3 promotional photosessions for $0.8-2.2mil homes in South Jersey (man, when I'm finsihed with processing the data I'll show you something - the master bathroom in one of the places is like my living room, truly so!), also meeting about a little enterprise - someone loved a little piece of work I did, so they are going to go ahead and form some kind of partnership with me. Sounds promising.

Remember I started my lil' business not that long ago? I guess everyone wants a piece of me now.

And I couldn't sleep on my way - I got 5 Red Bulls in me by the end of the day. Boy, I was high.
I guess everyone wants a piece of me now.

Don't pretend you don't like it that way. :p

I didn't realize it was all up and running - best of luck with that, man. Sounds promising indeed.

And it always freaks me out when the band posts here. I can't imagine what they must think of the stuff we post half the time. Of course, they seem to only respond to the sane stuff, so that's good at least.

Don't pretend you don't like it that way. :p

I didn't realize it was all up and running - best of luck with that, man. Sounds promising indeed.

And it always freaks me out when the band posts here. I can't imagine what they must think of the stuff we post half the time. Of course, they seem to only respond to the sane stuff, so that's good at least.


I actually love it, but Sunday took toll on me, so that wasn't good - I was totally dysfunctional by 5 pm (eyes closing and stuff), I'm trying to keep consistent workflow 7 days a week (fewer hours on Sundays and I take Saturday night off for movies when I can), so that's exhaustion which I dislike so far. It's inevitable, thoug.

And food on the road upsets my stomach (any food, I don't eat just anywhere if I can).

About the band memebrs posting, one thing makes me wonder - who I'll get my first punch in the face from next time they see me? :D

//Yeah, Taliesin, take a numebr :heh:
I'm sure they are as insane as we are. They are probably just too shy off-stage to show it here in front of their fans.
Niklas or anyone else of the band who feels like posting here, are you as insane as we are?
I'm sure they are as insane as we are. They are probably just too shy off-stage to show it here in front of their fans.
Niklas or anyone else of the band who feels like posting here, are you as insane as we are?

Well they certainly have a sense of humor. Seen the picture of their tourbus anytime recently? Methinks I'll have to keep the fiance away from there...

NF: Not bad. End of march is shaping up to be pretty good. Have two DT concerts (fiance might not be at the NYC one after all, Plin, sorry), and then a mini-vacation with the fiancee the weekend afterwards.

Have to prep this week, though, for my bro coming up for his Spring Break. We're going to get to see our uncle again (the one who had the brain tumor removed), so that should be a relief, but it means I won't be shipping up to Boston this weekend.

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