chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Meh, with those difficulties - who has time for friends?

I hardly talk to my own flatmates, cuz I barely see them on day to day basis.
Plintus went to uni? Are pigs flying now :zombie:

Yes sir, and I've been an A-student (not straight As, though, slightly leaning toward being a B-student after a couple years, if you catch me drift :Smug: ), but yeah, that actually happened.

Too bad I dropped out after 3 years - moving to the USA and stuff like following alcoholism and total bankrupcy along.

Seriously, you can find a well-paying job here with adequate experience. In my field, at least (lessay "computers". Wooo!) Interestingly enough the job found me two years ago :lol: So yeah, kids, sudy well, but if life pitches The Opportunity at you - pop some Fuckitall pills and go ahead.

Look at Bill Gates and me as your spiritual leaders :D

Poster holds no responsibility or whatsoever may come your way being under The Opportunity.

I have been in Germany for 1 year, but it is still very difficult for me to understand the courses, and even worst when i have to speak...

I should not have spoken French at home, i know it... but after I come back from a long day where i couldnt speak properly, i just want to speak French and not have to thing for 5 min for every sentence i want to say :ill:

and in this condition, it is kind of hard to find friends...

Yeah I can imagine you being a French speaker it must be really hard to speak Deutsch :ill: . I used to know French, didn't study for quite a while, but then I started studying Deutsch, and well, it killed me French accent in such a way that I was like o_O wow! o_O

Now when I try to say basic stuff like "Je suis Daniel" it sounds really awful. It's terrible because on the contrary of most people here in CR, I really like French and I feel rather sad that I lost me accent hehe :zombie: :ill: .

Anyway, übersetz! übersetz! (I think thats how ye say prectice hehe).

Don't give up, keep it up! Listen to power hahaha LOL :lol: .

And well, you have freinds here, I consider you mine at least :) .

If ye ever need to talk or just practice deine Deutsch, don't hesitate to PM ok?

:oops: :headbang: :kickass: :headbang:


Concerning my uni studies, I have to read so damn much, I'm so happy! I finally feel like I am in university! The change was rather harsh though, 1st 3 years of carreer doing nearly nothing, and then 4th year and BANG! You have to study a lot and you can't see yer girlfreind anymore :erk:

I'm sure I'll manage, but it'll take a couple of weeks hehe.

And I hate my teachers, as usual.

One didn't give me recess, so i couldn't eat anything, so Igot a hipoglicemia :erk: . Crap. Gonna sue that damn bitch.

Cheers! :kickass:
If there are any questions about German I think I can help. As a native speaker I claim to be not so bad.
@LBRH - I'm surprised, I would think she'd let you go if you explain the situation. If not, that is pretty fucked up.

I wasn't a big fan of my college experience either (except for the one, decidedly non-academic portion, which was, and still is, awesome), and I hated most of my teachers too. Most of the electrical engineering teachers weren't really in the mood to teach people in their first two years, but just to thin the herd a bit. Which is a bit fucked up, but maybe it's bias. I think I've had one decent math teacher in 8 years (including high-school), and she was my 11th grade pre-calc teacher. The only math class I ever felt I learned anything in. And she was cool, because she could write on the board underhanded while facing the class. (Just try to imagine facing a class with your whole body and writing accurately on a board behind you without looking.)

Once I got to my junior and senior years of college, though, the teachers became a bit more relaxed, and were more interested in prepping us for the business world, which is a bit what I'd looked for all along.

So, best of luck to all you students, especially DS - I can't imagine how tough that is, I truly can't.

Apart from known record surfacing on vast domains of God forbidden p2p networks, I've got a confirmation, that oneo f the things I'd been working on was endlessly liked by someone, and that party is offering me lil' something-something for working on a certain rpoject for them. More details will be revealed to my unexpecting _self already this weekend, for now I'm just happy it's all been worth it so far...

My moronic hormones are awaken - spring has come early this year. Hard it's going to be.

And I need to shave.

My face.
nf: i want to cry. i was test-running a program i had been working on like forever. it generated an error. i was half-listening to a presentation so i didn't realize i was saving the error log with the same name of the program. so goodbye 600 lines i wrote in the past three days. FUCK.
Damn, sorry to hear that Hyena.

NF: Like shit - my upper back is all fucked up and my neck hurts whenever I tilt it off about 20% too quickly. They're tied together, I know. I just have no idea how the fuck I hurt it.

EDIT: hyena, kov - I'm just telling you that alcohol usually is both part of the problem and the solution. ;)

Tonight I'm off to some kind of suspect heavy metal club down in the harbour. Listening to two of the bands that are going to play while I'm writing this.
One of them are called "Helvetets port" (gate of hell) and sound like utter crap. :puke:
The other one "Portrait" sounds at least decent, although the Mercyful Fate-influences are impossible to ignore. :Smug:

Think I have to get drunk to stand the opening acts. Which I'm - of course - is working on.
The "main act" of tonight is called Enforcer and are worth a listen if you like 80's heavy/thrash metal as it is played more often today than it was palyed in the 80's. :err:
@LBRH - I'm surprised, I would think she'd let you go if you explain the situation. If not, that is pretty fucked up.


Ye know, that's the thing, she didn't even let me explain the situation! I was just about to tell her to screw herself and leave the class, but then I thought: "Breathe Daniel, breathe, she's not worth it."

Still, if she does the same thing next class I'll really go mad hehe :zombie: :puke: :kickass: :ill: :Smokin: o_O .

Put it like this: She went into the class and said: (blablabla) "No eating, and no chewing gum."


Anyway, luckily enough I don't have classes on Mondoy because there's a protest against the CAFTA (Central-American Free Trade Agreement) with the US, which will basically fuck up what's left of poor Costa Rica.

Since I'm diabetic I won't walk the whole way, I mean, under the mid-day tropical blazing sun we have here? Hehe nope I don't want to get de-hidrated and get s hipoglicemia and die :p.

So I'll try to calculate at what time the march will get to the building of the Legislative Assembly and then join the protest :kickass:


PS: I think I even just might take somethiung that will say: "Refuse/Resist!"

Hehe :p .
@plintus: heh, i wish. :p
nah, it was 400 lines of C# code and 200 lines of Ruby code, with so many nested cycles that i will never get it right again.
^ Wow, what's your problems with big letters? :p

There in the phorum for a reason, to use them, and if ye don't like them, well, go tell your boss so they can take them out or something, bt c'mon, why are you bothred by such things? :rolleyes:
@plintus: heh, i wish. :p
nah, it was 400 lines of C# code and 200 lines of Ruby code, with so many nested cycles that i will never get it right again.

I can SO relate to that :erk:

But women and programming can be beyond dangerous. First of all - for women.
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