chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Not to offend, but I had a really frightening image for a moment of your sister looking just like you. :p Is she older or younger than ye? I only ask because I find it interesting how placement affects a person's behavior and such.

The main reason for not getting married right now, is that we know that once we're legally married, the parents from both sides will insist on a ceremony, and we don't want to have to deal with that until she's out of her program. To that end, the engagement is just a kind of 'heads-up' to everyone, to let them know the intention is there. (And, I guess in some way, to reassure her that the intention is there on my part.)

I haven't seen my sister in 5 years and can't judge from photos, really, but sure enough she's not frightening. Not fat either :heh:

She's a fucking workaholic (in a financial institution), owns a 1-bedroom apartment (if it was here it would be around $200-300k worth), I'm happy she's on track in her private life, too.

Well, engagement is cool, don't misunderstand, but it's easier to back out of it... quite shameful, but not such pain in the ass as divorce.

OK, I'm happy for you and my sis equally :D Love to see happy people around who found what they were looking for. Capisce?
Oh, no, I didn't think that you were against the engagement, I was just stating why we chose that over marriage straight away.

Ah, so she's not in the country? That's cool that she's so successful too - I get the feeling the workaholic thing is familial?

Ah, so she's not in the country? That's cool that she's so successful too - I get the feeling the workaholic thing is familial?

Actually yeah :) I've been slacking a few years ago, but it all got back to me somehow. Something in local food, probably :D
i am, unbelievably enough, starting to take plintus seriously. even if the whole thing about occasional fuck buddies orbitating around him makes me think of a teen rather than a grown-up.
Hahaha, not any longer - "online" personality has taken over :D

No, hyena, I don't have fuck buddies - my roommate does, though :heh: So that's truly orbitating

Recently I present myself as European (non-British) mix of Cosmo Kramer and Stewie Griffin. Oh, yEAH!!
Having met him in person, he's quite the paradox - totally different from his online persona (especially as it first incarnated itself on these boards). He's nice, pleasant, even... shy.

I agree.
Stayed four days at his place. It's true that he's different. I was surprised, but in a good way! :)
No, hyena, I don't have fuck buddies - my roommate does, though :heh: So that's truly orbitating

Well - what about the random ladies who call you all at once to do stuff? Not in the strict definition of fuck buddies? :lol:
I passed MatSci lab, with a good result, too. It was a 45h week though.. oral exam next wednesday, I hope it'll go well.
For the next 12h.. I'll just.. sleep :zzz:
nf: not very productive: my father put a liquid cooling system on my computer, so i have to test it for temperature and it isn't actually unpleasant to play daoc and run various stuff, thus i test.
now, it would be nice if my next exam was about this instead of genetics :zombie:
You know, I feel that I am very much like Plintus in some ways, I may not put so many sick things as him (though I'm probably +- the same in that way), but in the way that are online personalities are different from the real ones.

Ye can ask Solefald about that hehe :p .

Marduk said:
Hey, I think I missed that. What was that trip about?

Edit: PM me please, so that we dont spam this thread.

Well, it all goes back to the 3rd of January, the date in which I arrived to München, coming from Berlin.

I was going to meet Solefald, and well, I was rather scared because well you don't really know if the person online really exists, so i was taking a bit of a chance there :ill: . Luckily enough, he was real hehe :p (and he's a lovely guy, so don't be afraid to contact him people :) -thanks a lot for the time Frank, sorry I haven't properly thanked ye but I've been a bit short of time, ye know, with me grandpa and the Uni, entschuldigung!-).

So well, I previously told Frank that I had reserved some Sopor Aeternus cds from the Infrarot store, and I told him that we had to go to this tow called Babenhausen hehe :) .

So well, Frank was a bit pissed at the beginnig hehe, because he basically said that Babenhause was a small country town in the middle of nowhere, so he was a bit skeptical of going there.

But he was so nice that he took consideration of his poor 3d-world lad who didn't know how to get around do well and went with him -me-.

So well, Babenhausen is such a small town, that it didn't even had a train station! And for Deutschland (Germany) that's saying a lot hehe.

So to get there we had to take a 2 hour train from München to another town, then take a half an hour bus to Babenhausen. Yup, it was pretty far.

We got up at like 6 (on vacations! Hehe sorry Frank!) and got there at about 10. The ride was lovely, I even got the chance to see the Alps and all, which apparently was a rare sight hehe :) .

So well, we get to Babenhausen and have the wonderful surprise of seeing that it wasn't such a small town, that it was very merry, and that there was even a metalhead! o_O A girl with a Blind Guardian shirt! :kickass:

It's a really nice place, took some pics, it even had a castle and all! Quite a historic town, apparently it's related with some crusade Pope I-don't-know-what made hehe.

Thean after looking around and asking abit for the address, we finally got to the Infrarot "store," which is basically a house, because it's a mail order store only hehe.

So well we went in, the guys look pretty surprised, I guess it was the 1st time someone actually went to the place to get some cds, and imagine their faces to see that it was true that he was Costa Rican!

Then after some chat and looking around the place, I got my lovely Sopor Aeternus: Like A Corpse Standing in Desperation box (freaking huge! 3cds + 2dvds + shirt + cassette+certificate+more stuff, ltd. 3000 copies!), and the Sopor Aeternus: "La Chambre D'Echo" Where the Dead Birds Sing," (ltd. 1000 copies!).

I spent like 100E that day, only on Sopor stuff. Hehe :kickass: (and the previous day I had spent like 120E on various cds :Smug: :kickass: ).

So that's basically it, we got some coffee (well Frank did), I got my sugar level down (hipoglicemia), I guess due to the excitement or something hahaha :lol: , then we wnet home, and everything was fine :) .

Had an amazing time, and I fulfilled my dream of seeing the German country-side (simply lovely :cry: :) ).

Once again, thanks a lot for helping me out Frank! ¡Muchas gracias!
i am currently at the university! i have a stupid work to do on the computer: put some parts of a geological and a topographic map together. But I dont understand anything on how we are supposed to do that...
Doesn't sound too fun there.

NF: Blech. Have the house to myself this week while the rest of the family hangs out in Puerto Rico. Talked to my boss yesterday about the transfer, and now he wants me to try to stay here until the end of June, rather than April. I'm hoping that when he discusses it with my future boss, future guy will convince him otherwise. Ah well, not in my hands anymore. Just jittery about the interview up there in Boston this coming Monday.

i am currently at the university! i have a stupid work to do on the computer: put some parts of a geological and a topographic map together. But I dont understand anything on how we are supposed to do that...

With that many problems at school, I truly think you will be worthless if you graduate.
i dont understand because its in german and the prof speaks too fast

Ah, I completely forgot you weren't a native speaker... that's a bummer then :erk:

I remember back in the day there were a few African guys in my Uni, so it was national MIT, high-tech, even though not up-to-date (material base was stuck in mid-80s, and even though some concepts of programming and engineering didn't change over the decades it was a huge step back, but that's a different story), anyway, here's this uber-complicated shit get poured on you on daily basis, 4-8 hours a day in Ruskian, and here's this poor black guy, stuck in cold Eastern Europe far from his native Kenyan village, among angry white men, with no friends and shtuff... man, he might have reconsidered that end up in Darfur wouldn't be that bad... or that long.

Good luck with those studies.
Good luck with those studies.


Ah, I completely forgot you weren't a native speaker... that's a bummer then
I have been in Germany for 1 year, but it is still very difficult for me to understand the courses, and even worst when i have to speak...

I should not have spoken French at home, i know it... but after I come back from a long day where i couldnt speak properly, i just want to speak French and not have to thing for 5 min for every sentence i want to say :ill:

and in this condition, it is kind of hard to find friends...
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