chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Hyena: I think I'm the one that led into this whole debate, and prompted Viz's comment. The article I linked to described the situation (which as you've stated , is very serious, and closely related to similar issues in the UK) rather plainly, but the reactions shown in the article were a bit silly, as I and Viz made a comment on. It wasn't a comment of "Oh, all Italians are such silly debaters," so much as "I can't believe that someone would come to such a debate with such a silly argument."

Although, thank you for the clarification on the civil liberties argument. It originally started over here as a 'rights and obligations' debate for gay couples, and flared up after the religious groups (and Bush) weighed in so heavily on the 'fuck you, you less-than-human freaks' side of things.

Plin - what's the business?

And what exactly will your business do? Except selling goatse movies and other highly amusing and disturbing follies of the sexual world.

I'm taking on this project in summer - I have no enough Canadians around to shoot goatse flicks :heh:

Field: real estate.

Things that make life easy for both real estate agents and their clients.

All I need now is enough traffic to my site, but that's a questions of time.

Hey Kov, you want a place in South Jersey during summer... or may be buy one? I'll hook you up :D

If it doesn't work - you'll see me in goatse flicks :D
^ Great to know ye're launching yer own bussiness! Best of lucks "compa!"
:kickass: :headbang: :)

(that's like "mate" in Costa Rican Spanich hehe).
Villain, you just don't know what it is like to try and be an active contributor in a country that is routinely bombarded by abuse on the part of ignorant foreigners. Your own country, and Scandinavia in general, is always presented as a paragon of civility and modernity: the successful welfare state of the Nordic countries, the pleasant mix of wealth and attention for the less well-off, the beautiful men and women, etc etc.
That's the Scandinavian stereotype in the rest of Europe. I swear that I have heard even people who have very little education and probably couldn't place Oslo on a map shouting "I am going to move to Norway tomorrow!" when frustrated by a queue in a public office.
It's easy to be tolerant of comments that could be offensive when they are not routinely directed at you. But most times I go abroad I have to tolerate the veiled insults and the blatant prejudice - this enhances my ability to see unfairness for what it is.

Well, you are probably right. I don't think I've ever heard any foreigner bash Finland or Finnish people in any significant way. Then again, perhaps I just haven't noticed.

I don't doubt that your experiences make you more able to recognize unfairness. But as this very discussion has proved, your experiences also obviously make you "see" unfairness where there's very little, or none, of it.

As I said in my first post, you are very oversensitive in this matter. Which isn't even such a bad thing always (as you said, it probably makes you more aware of certain things). However, I believe you should acknowledge your oversensitivity to yourself, in order to avoid completely unnecessary arguments, such as this one.

Isn't there a saying, when you feel you are the only sane person in the world, you are probably going insane?

Isn't there a saying, when you feel you are the only sane person in the world, you are probably going insane?

Damnit, really?! Can't it just be... me being the smartest robot in the world? Good Lord, I'm losing my mind here!!! :p

On the topic (wonderfully productive), I feel pretty upset by the fact none insulted the spaniards. What kind of sense of justice do you guys have here?

We're making serious efforts to offer easy-to-aim targets: our political scene is hilarious (we ourselves make fun out of it), our TV is crowded by unknown people throwing out their own scandals, and there's a dude in Barcelona who believes that he's a robot.

What else can we do?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?

What else can we do?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?

Your TRAINS could bloody well stop being ON FUCKING TIME all the time, that's what you could do! See, any responsible population with some brains on them should at least give us all some help with this racism business. And now look at you Spaniards: do you wear funny pants? And I don't mean on a random, individual basis (I know all about your fetish, |ng!). Do you talk with an accent that makes me want to die and be reborn without ears? Do you have a recent history of mass brutality against anything more fragile than a raging bull? Do you, at the very least, produce forum posters like fireangel?

If the answer to all of the above is "No", or maybe "iNo!", then you're not allowed to play our game. Go back to your corner and work on some disgusting habit, please.
She must be convinced she has some sort of monopoly on insulting me. Competition would probably kill her.

If I was so convinced of it, then why would I have "included" hyena? You can´t use both sides of an argument at once.

What I pointed out :rolleyes: was that hyena was so into attack-mode that in the process of it she knocked down her friend.

Besides, your namecalling clearly shows that the only one who´s frothing at the mouth and stomping his foot in frustration are you.
Your TRAINS could bloody well stop being ON FUCKING TIME all the time, that's what you could do! (Bla, bla... bla, you go and read above...)

Wow... woooow, stop right there, pal. You can make any insulting and offensive assertion about my pants, since I know you're talking from the envy of my new ones with beautiful red and purple squares, you can even expose my very hidden habits not wearing clothes when having a shower... but aiming to OUR TRAINS?!?! You, bastard... pervert...

From now on, I hate italians.

I think ngenius should kill all these argueing people here. Then everyone would be happy and we could start making fun of the Spanish.
@|ng: Sorry. :( I got carried away and knocked down my friend!!!! I didn't really mean to touch your trains. Listen, people, no one ever touch |ngenius trains. It's like... imagine if somebody would call the thing you have dearest perfectly on time. Now you have an idea how bad this is for him.
In Germany, we have a way better publich transportation system. I just went to the bus station and was there too early but everything I saw was the rear end of the bus leaving.
That's what I like about German trains. It's impossible to miss them because they are always too late.
always too late? :lol: ICE and IC trains are almost always late... and sometimes make you miss xour connection because they are late. And all what they say is ever "Please excuse us for the delay, but there was some kids playing on the railway somewhere".
but here in Bremen, tramways and bus always leave too early when they come too early .

NF: deprimed: i just failed the exam in the subject i like the most. i wonder if i ever will graduate from university...
makes me want to die and be reborn without ears

And this is for |ngenius:

My old screen is dying, so I ordered my first flat screen. Cant wait for it to arrive! :p
Maybe I'll upgrade my computer a little as well.. an upgrade that'll probably have to last another 2 years or so ;)
It's amazing how long computers last now.. I bought mine 3 years ago for a reasonable prize and it's still running well enough. Five years earlier, a computer wouldnt have lasted half as long.. well, for someone playing computer games that is ;)
Hooray, I get to use my nano-knowledge!

The main reason that computer shelf life is increasing is due to physical constraints. There is such a push to create smaller and smaller devices, that companies are approaching the physical limits of the materials used to create the devices. For example, processors aren't getting any smaller right now, because the limiting factor - the layer size of the silicon in the transistor capacitors - has reached the point where to try to decrease the size any more leaves the device open to problems that had previously been only theoretical in nature - electron tunnelling, for example (basically, the electrons just have fun and skip straight through the layer, meaning the capacitor never charges fully, or takes much longer to do so). Until they come up with different materials, or a different layout for the devices, computers will hover around the same level of efficiency for a while.

The heat is also a limiting factor I think. But anyway, for me graphics dont need to be any more detailed, or in any more colours or whatnot, Im well satisfied with what computers can do these days already and so are many people Id say.

Anyway, Mat Sci is a lot easier than I thought. Ok, I did spend 10h at the uni yesterday, but it's different when you're on your own schedule. Also, the questions before the lab begins are a joke.. the first guy knew less about the experience than we did.
The heat is also a limiting factor I think.

Also true, though they're making more progess with that than with the materials.

Anyway, Mat Sci is a lot easier than I thought. Ok, I did spend 10h at the uni yesterday, but it's different when you're on your own schedule. Also, the questions before the lab begins are a joke.. the first guy knew less about the experience than we did.

You'll find that happens alot in engineering, :p.


EDIT: At a boring, tedious job, it is not recommended to get hyped up on caffeine and get KC's version of Lux Aeterna stuck in your head. You run around expecting something epic to happen at any moment, and nothing ever does.
There's nothing much to discuss, but here it is anyway: as y'all know I don't crave female attention as some of you do (traveling across the world and not even get laid aftewards - what a waste of wang if you ask me!) and don't have much time for ritualistic activities (like engagement, but don't ask me what I think about it :D) and whatnot


I got acquainted with a few girls over the years (even being sworn to celibacy), and, must say, all of them happen to be to my liking. All are very different, as of looks and backgrounds, but all are inevitably sexy. And believe me - they are if *I* say so.

AND (here's what's interesting)

With my current life-style and overall workaholicalism (yes, THAT, and NOT homosexuality, which I, on the contrary to public opinion, posess not) I have no time and desire to pay attention to my oh so desirable female friends, so we don't hear from each other for some long periods of time (month at a time).

And here what happens: they all appear out of the blue SIMULTANEOUSLY trying to reach me. They are quite spreaded in space and time to know each other, I would call it a coincidence, but it happens like third time during last 10 months.

Funny. All of them want to get together and stuff. Oh, my lucky charms.

Obviously, I can't make it... even if I wanted. But it's something really funny to witness third time in a row.
After reading his post I can say without any doubt:
Plintus IS gay. :p
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