chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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My old screen is dying, so I ordered my first flat screen. Cant wait for it to arrive! :p


Clearly, you don't spend much time behind your computer. CRT are KILLING me now, I have a second monitor at home (third CRT as a support monitor; first one I threw out, second [19" Viewsonic] gave away and got this one recently), but I don't even turn it on, cuz it's ghastly awful.

I'm considering something with HDCP AND standard DVI/VGA input (looking at 22-inches, which are only at $300 now, speaking of ViewSonic), but it's going to happen slightly later - I have current upgrades pending for my cam: new body (D80 or D200), wide-angle lense + flash + heavier tripod.
I probably meant to say TFT then instead of flat screen.. anyway, those new, flat thingies.. they're really neat. I love mine already. I might not get eye cancer after all :)
I hate CRTs for no other reason than how images used to get burned into the screens when they were on for too long. Gaming was a pain in the ass after a while.

In any case, I don't think I'll be upgrading anything for a little while at least. We'll probably wind up replacing her desktop before anything else, and we'll probably try to pimp it out pretty nicely. I think my next computer will be a laptop (at least one I can game on) as the enhanced mobility would be great.


In any event - I'd go for an extra battery: currently deciding whether I need third laptop with VISTA or just another battery for my working one. Yeah, prices are ridiculous: you get a good business class HP package for under $700 BEFORE any scammish rebates (Turion, 80-120 GBs, 1024 DDR2 667 RAM afaik), and it mnight have nVidia Go chip in it.

BTW, AMD CPU prices officially dropped as of today, I think.
plintus: how many computers / laptops do you actually have?

2 desktops (workstation and old broken rig I intend to use for storage one day... or sexual *nix experiments)
2 monitors (LCD and CRT; need an LCD, cuz it's very convenient to work with double screen space)
2 laptops (I don't use one right now and too lazy to put it to use atm; the otehr one is for the road)
1 Pocket PC (always with me, switching to a smartphone by summer, most likely iPhone as I have the same provider)

HP workstation with Duo Core + 19" ViewSonic WS

Most of my inventory is HP.

What is FEA program?
Finite Element Analysis - stuff like SolidWorks, certain CAD programs, that kind of thing. That and now she has programs that predict the scatter pattern of electrons during the electron-beam lithography she does in the lab. The stuff is rather time-consuming on a slower rig, and will outright crash some computers.

Heh, our TechMech prof talked about that. Looks like a pretty cool theory to break down complex structures into parts you can more easily describe mathematically. What exactly is your GF working on?

My MatSci is going really well, looks like Im in a good group, too. When I arrived this morning, I met a group of 5 who got kicked out all at once, 2 of them for the second time.. on the second day, lol. I guess we were well prepared after all.. or got lucky with the lab guys, who knows :p
Good deal on the group - I'm telling you, having a good or bad group can make or break labs like that.

Well, we had been using SolidWorks and COSMOSWorks to do FEA on the support members of a car we were going to build last year, but nowadays she doesn't use it too much. She used it a few times last semester for the chasis of a remote controlled car that her group had to fabricate from scratch. Mostly now, she uses the other programs to model behavior of materials on the atomic level.

i do a lot of computational-intensive stuff but it's on AIX so it doesn't count. just get rid of heavy OSs, which includes ubuntu.
Two words: "code optimization".

Some geniuses (no sarcasm here) manage to put v 2.0 shaders into hundreds of KILOBYTES of code (not all graphic cards run that).

Those dumb Indian fucks... trust me, some of them are dumb, fucks and Indians at the same time! I happen to be delivered from that evil, but my friend who works FOR and WITH them actually supplies stories how fucked up they are with programming on regular basis.
Man, too bad you're doing real estate down there. Could probably use the help in a month or so when I start looking for apartments up near Boston.

So, it's just gonna be a website dealie? Are you gonna be staying with your current job as well?

Yep, my current full time pays the bills and leaves some besides that, this thing is quite innovative and, as you might know, some realtors aren't that computer savvy even... so that venture is going to take time to shape into something more or less full-timish :)

Yeah, it's web-sites, presentations, photography and stuff, I have a web-site online already, but kinda shy to show off yet :D
I don't like posting after myself, but my last post was kinda dumb anyway.

Good job, Plin - let me know what's up once the site is up and going. You'll cover mostly NJ real estate? Any chance of branching to NYC? I know a couple of people in the business up here - chances are they're the more computer savvy ones, though.

Another recommendation about caffeine. Generally, don't imbibe if you're waiting for an important phone call. And said important phone call is rather exciting news, but that requires you to have a rather awkward conversation with your boss. I'm jittery as shit right now, but I have an interview up in Boston on the 26th, and if all goes well, I should be up there by mid-late april.

Good job, Plin - let me know what's up once the site is up and going. You'll cover mostly NJ real estate? Any chance of branching to NYC? I know a couple of people in the business up here - chances are they're the more computer savvy ones, though.

Yeah, I work mostly in South Jersey now - I come from there :)D), have connections and stuff, so it's easier to spread over there (or do I hope so). Would love to do some stuff for New York City as well, but all in it's time ;)

Anyway, I'll keep you posted, the site is up and running, I'll drop you a link when I'm satisfied with it's finalization ;)
I've never had the urge to buy the old vinyls or anything of that sort, for some reason. Mostly I have the urge to buy stuff like the clothing. Not sure why exactly that is.

Happy fun day ahead of me at work, wherein I get to tell my boss I'm leaving in a month or two. Fun!

My sister is marrying one of my best friends this summer... or it's the other way around... anyway, Kov, real men don't prance around with engagement rings - they take a girl (or a boy for that matter) straight to the altar :heh:

Lucky you, you got a second chance, though :D
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