chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Sales are about 4-6% commission here, too, it's split betwen the realties and agents (total into 4 ways: 2 agencies + 1 realtor from each side). They don't like renals - too much bother, but that's where potential buyers/sellers come from.

I've developed some solution which makes managing rentals piece of cake, meeting all the specific requirements of individual agents and agencies overall, so that's relatively complicated process here. Well, it's not rocket science, but still.
Or as we say in WoW, "rocket surgery".

Yeah, rentals and such over here do stick to the one month bit, that much I know.

And seriously, am I the laziest one here (with a job)? All of you working on weekends and the like, exercising the rest of the time you're awake... no wonder I feel like such a lump.

Yeah, and I've been thinking about that, Georgey, but you know what? To each his own. You can't pay me enough to stick to another lifestyle at this point in my life.

Looking at my poor (in all senses) flatmate: he constantly whines he has no enough money, how he needs a better job, how the restaurant he works at sucks. I'm saying: get a fucking server position, you fucking busboy, climb that motherfucking ladder, and if that's not what you want from life - it will give you more $$$ for now, wtf? Well, he's sick of that, he doesn't want to learn wine list, et cetera.

Fuck that shit.

He'd rather spend nights out with his fuck buddy, or home watching movies and drinking cheaper wine. And just let me tell you his fuck buddy's last name. It's Gaylord. I'm not joking.

So you are not totally lost to society, you know :heh:
Way to cheer me up, Plin :p

Unfortunately, the office I'm in right now really is a dead end. There's no real way to advance out of it - you basically have to transfer to another project, which is luckily what I'm doing. Hopefully once I'm up in Boston I'll kick this funk I'm in and start pounding out some work up there. Things should be good at that point, I think. That and I might get to work on some real jobs. The cause here is good, but the jobs themselves are boring as shit. It's really aggravating.

I made a choice of career which offered most flexibility, my office job is something to keep myself disciplined and pay bills (well, and something extra, like experience in management/project management in industry which heavily relies on both tech and interaction skills), everything I do besides that - I dunno, just something I like to do and still get paid for it =)

I have ambition of taking over the world, but I'll start with soemthing small... like South Jersey :heh:
@kov: where i'm concerned, there is blackout time every now and then, unfortunately. more or less once per year, especially when i have to spend about 30% of my workdays on trips here and there, i just collapse. this year it started on february 20th, when i crashed my scooter into a cab: very weird for me, i am normally a very careful driver. the event was minor and nobody got hurt, but it was a clear sign of fatigue: i went on to accidentally erase my code on the 23rd, and then promptly fell sick with a fever on the 25th. i'm still not feeling well and will probably need a week of downtime to recover.

besides my regular day job, which is mightily enjoyable and has great career perspectives anyway, i do hold another one as a consultant and author for a publishing company (school textbooks). not to mention that i'm constantly up to some brownian motion kind of thing, such as choosing and getting flat #1 in 2003, and choosing and getting flat #2 in 2006 - progressing to more difficult levels each time at that, because flat #1 was (badly) furnished and finished, flat #2 required an enormous amount of work and loads of money in designer furniture, but now every day when i get back home i pat myself on the back and think i'm cool.

i also do a bit of stock market trading, manage the family estate, and try to also manage the family lest they inflict too much damage upon themselves (this is, however, harder than the rest put together).

the publishing job has an erratic workload; for example, when it was time to write the text for the new release of a book i'm co-authoring with two others i hardly had a free weekend in about four months. right now, i'm just waiting for the publisher to send back amended draft, so there's nothing to do.

all of this stuff may seem a lot, and it probably is, although it really doesn't make any difference in how people see me, so i am divided between thinking that i'm only doing it for the money (not tr00 - you might not believe me on this, but i am not that interested in money per se) and that i'm a star in some kind of cosmic joke, running on the wheel until i die from exhaustion and that's that, goodbye, large estate left to cats. it's still better than hanging around and doing nothing that stands a chance of surviving me, which would be the alternative, so i'm pretty happy with the current arrangement, bar the fever.
Oh, and incidentally, I think I've fallen in love with the poetess Dorothy Parker (1893-1967).

Look at this, brilliantly titled "The flaw of Paganism":

Drink and dance and laugh and lie,
Love, the reeling midnight through,
For tomorrow we shall die!
(But, alas, we never do.)
^ Awesome!

Btw, what is your average salary, if I/we may know? :rolleyes: I mean, because on order to pay so much for a flat you muts get quite a lot per month :) . Lucky ye :) .

Crap feeling bad... low-sugar level...61... see ya!
Oh, and incidentally, I think I've fallen in love with the poetess Dorothy Parker (1893-1967).

Look at this, brilliantly titled "The flaw of Paganism":

Drink and dance and laugh and lie,
Love, the reeling midnight through,
For tomorrow we shall die!
(But, alas, we never do.)

I've been in love with Dorothy for years, have everything she ever wrote.
Used her poetry in my sig. several times, one time visited her grave site in Baltimore, MD,
her ashes are in a memorial garden at the NAACP Headquarters
"That would be a good thing for them to cut on my tombstone:
Wherever she went, including here, it was against her better judgment"
DYK, she left the rights to her writings to Martin Luther King Jr. after King’s death, the estate passed to NAACP.

My land is bare of chattering folk;
The clouds are low along the ridges
And sweet's the air with curly smoke
From all my burning bridges.
^ Awesome!

Btw, what is your average salary, if I/we may know? :rolleyes: I mean, because on order to pay so much for a flat you muts get quite a lot per month :) . Lucky ye :) .

Crap feeling bad... low-sugar level...61... see ya!

Come on... This is a very private kind of information which I'm not going to divulge on a public forum. Anyway, I don't earn that much. My mortgage runs into the distant future.
Hyena, I was wondering how superhuman you really could be. Yeah, the problem is that I feel like having those blackout periods, but can't really justify it due to my laziness. Or rather, I feel like shit for a stupid reason, like staying up too late surfing the internet or some such.

But now I'm worried, because I feel like shit, and like I'm ready to pass out at any moment, and a number of people were out last week with the flu. Certainly hoping I don't have that.

I just really need a vacation. Just to not worry about shit at work for a while.

~kov. (And yes, if I wanted to have a 'blackout' period, I could go out drinking. That's not what I meant. Although it might make me feel better.)
Pfff, if you need a vacation - it's not from work, but from weekly trips to Boston, staying up late and WoW.

I never have a problem with my physical condition if I don't let myself unwind: as soon as I lose grip on my timing/schedule, nutrition and work out sessions - I'm in trouble. Happens every other Sunday.
Could be the constant traveling, true - its started to really wear me down. As for WoW, I actually haven't played since about Tuesday of last week - I've really cut down my playing time, and tried to increase my sleep. I do need to start running again, though. I keep starting it up and not continuing with it for long enough.

In other news, it always disturbs me how early the politicians get started on their campaigns for the presidency.

NF: Damn GOOD!
I'll have nine days off in a row, in 20 days. In 19 days, my swede friend arrives here for nine days of debauchery and travelling haha! :D AND Dark Tranquillity will be here in three weeks! AND I'll spend money in NYC for three days!
I'm really really really really impatient !!! :D
Pfff, if you need a vacation - it's not from work, but from weekly trips to Boston, staying up late and WoW.

I never have a problem with my physical condition if I don't let myself unwind: as soon as I lose grip on my timing/schedule, nutrition and work out sessions - I'm in trouble. Happens every other Sunday.

Yes, in general it's the same for me - normally, I never feel sick except on the weekend, due to oversleeping, random meals, drinking etc. However, if I keep a disciplined schedule for too long then I start being depressed because I feel I'm wasting my life, and I overindulge and undersleep, resulting in low immunity and then blackouts.
Yes, in general it's the same for me - normally, I never feel sick except on the weekend, due to oversleeping, random meals, drinking etc. However, if I keep a disciplined schedule for too long then I start being depressed because I feel I'm wasting my life, and I overindulge and undersleep, resulting in low immunity and then blackouts.

Same for me, but the drinking, - I cut that vice out of my life for good, turning back to an occasional beer or two once in a long while (this weekend's 6-pack of Hoegaarden was more of an exception, but it was a right choice), and that's one of the reasons I prefer to keep my weekends busy, to be on the road, or just somewhere else but home (warm weather will give one more reason to travel), because stuck in that place is just torture... and unavoidable.

I was undersleeping most of last week, which didn't affect my playful mind (I was in better shape than sleeping enough!), but it delviered a great deal of strain upon my eyes, and they been irritated most of the weeekend. SOmething important I need to consider - seems like countless hours on computer are getting to me :(
My eyes are almost always strained. It's the main way I know that when I sleep that I haven't been sleeping well. I crashed for a long time this weekend, and they started to feel better again, but now at work, they're starting to irritate me again.

And I almost never drink. Just when I do, I overdo it to the point where I don't want to drink for another few months. As long as I keep overdoing it only in controlled environments, it's been keeping me from drinking on a regular basis.

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