chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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When it comes to alcohol i prefer liquers (sp?) or vodka, mixed into drinks or as shots. I really can´t apreciate beer at all, but the best one I´ve tried was called "Mort Subit" I think, a Belgian beer IIRC.

When i start drinking I loose control of myself and start pouring everything with alc% down my throat. This came to the point were i almost froze myself to death the other weekend, as I came up with the idea to lie down and rest in the middle of the swedish winter 3 o clock in the night :erk: . I really should start making sure I don´t bring more than i can drink to parties in the future.
Hello everyone :D. You know, my good friend John Locke always said, " My principal interests are metaphysics, eistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, education." Am I drunk? You bet your fucking ass, although my typing doesnt seem to be slurred.

Your lovely Emperor,

But if I can be serious for a moment. I love you, all of you and I miss you, mostly sexually but also for all the rollicking good times we had. That's as far as that thought goes.


Oh and Rahvin, feel free to make these posts into one huge one that doesnt make much sense anyway.
Heh, Nick, really nice! Having posted drunk a couple of times I know how you feel. Teh love! :lol:

Remaining on topic of drinking, Im a beer/wine man. I love Czech beer, Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Budvar (no, not Budweiser ;) ). As for wine, I drink mostly Slovak wines, since our wines are really really good, and the year 2006is going to be one of the best since 1940s, so Im really looking forward to it.
Aha. I have figured out that I've been sleeping like shit for lack of fresh air. Someone closed all the windows in my room, probably to keep the cold out. I'll test the change tonight, see if I get better sleep.

In other news, anyone have any pet allergies, and yet own pets? We're thinking of getting a dog a few months after I get up there, but I'm mildly allergic to pet dander (very bad with cats - my eyes and nose puff up and I have trouble breathing - not so bad with dogs, just some sneezing). I was wondering if anyone knows of something that's easy to get that won't knock you out like Benadryl, or if I should just see my doctor about it.

Last thing you want with allergies is something that provokes them. What's the point of having a pet if it makes you suffer?

Boy, I saw a lvl 70 hunter yesterday, so he was on a flying mount, his poor demon boar pet was running around down on the ground like crazy, I couldn't realize what it allw as about till I raised my eyes to the sky :D
Well, there's a couple of reasons for still wanting a dog:
1) It's usually only the long-haired variety that provoke the allergies
2) The allergies themselves aren't that bad around dogs. My eyes tear a little, and my nose gets a little stuffy.
3) I love dogs. A lot.

We both love the animals, and if there's something that could take care of the small drawbacks, I wouldn't mind taking it at all.

And I saw the same thing before on the flying mounts. It's pretty funny if they're high enough that you don't see them immediately. Had an alliance hunter sneak up behind us that way and just make his pet run around us for a while. Spooked the hell out of her, but I knew he had to be mounted, because the pet was yellow.

NF: blech. two cups of tea already, and still half-asleep.

I found a new job, a better paying, and exactly what I always wanted to do - the company is interested in my qualifications as well, but... they are like 40 miles away, and there's no way I can make that commute.


p.s. Ain't gona give up that easily - let's see if they like my work enough to make me an offer I can't refuse :heh:
kov: you should talk to your doctor about it. When i was younger, i used to have pollens allergies. At one point it was so bad that my doctor said there were some treatments that included injections and that worked pretty well. Fortunately, it just went away by itself and never had to do it (i hate injections...).
I think something similar exists for cat/dog allergies.
DS: Yeah, my friend grew out of his pet allergies as well. I wasn't so lucky, unfortunately. I was planning on talking to a doctor anyway, but I figured I'd ask, as I thought I'd heard of medications being available, but couldn't remember if it was just another thing I'd made up in my head.

Plin: Hopefully they'll offer you some more - if it's really what you want, I hope you get it. And yeah, that shot joke thing was a little 'ha-ha', but really, it's pretty depressing when that happens.

kov: you should talk to your doctor about it. When i was younger, i used to have pollens allergies. At one point it was so bad that my doctor said there were some treatments that included injections and that worked pretty well. Fortunately, it just went away by itself and never had to do it (i hate injections...).
I think something similar exists for cat/dog allergies.

yeah, i'm doing that treatment. it's abysmally boring because for a certain part of the year you need 1 shot/wk. i wouldn't know about cats and dogs, because my treatment is for pollen - probably with pets you don't have as much seasonal variability in the number of shots and in the dosage of each, although there might be times of the year when dogs shed a large quantity of hair... don't know really. but getting tested is completely painless and very easy (the test is funnily enough called a prick test, but it's not what you think :p )
Haha, I'm sure I'll still look at the doctor funny, if only for effect.

Well, one of the things we've been looking at is dogs that don't shed as much (or at all) - there are dogs that have more human-like hair that they don't shed. Greyhounds are an example, as well as short-haired pointers. Oddly enough, so are poodles. Now, I'd never get a straight-up poodle, but there's some cross-breeds (it seems the hair thing carries over most of the time, which is good) are pretty damn cute, and not all tiny and breakable. All in all, if we choose the animal right, chances are it'll aggravate my allergies much less than usual, so I'd probably only need minimal treatment. The thing is that I'll probably have to start the treatment before we get the dog, as we're primarily looking at rescues for animals - we'd prefer to adopt one in need (we care more about animals than other people most of the time), but the allergies could be a sticking point.

we care more about animals than other people most of the time

That my friend is that sad truth. I dont know how many times Ive gone to see a movie wehre people are being killed left and right and no one cares, but as soon as you kill a dog it's the saddest thing in the world. Dont get me wrong I love animals, but it just seems strange dont you think?

Inter Milan started some kind of manhunt tonight after missing the semi finals of the CL.. and in the middle of it, my good friend Materazzi :)
I hope they all get banned for a few years, Im so sick of shit like that
Inter Milan started some kind of manhunt tonight after missing the semi finals of the CL.. and in the middle of it, my good friend Materazzi :)
I hope they all get banned for a few years, Im so sick of shit like that

What happened? We had a match yesterday, and I came home around 11pm, so I dont know anything. On the UEFA site theres only that the events are going to be investigated, but nothing about what happened.
Well, I dunno what happened, but I keep getting job offers, one better than the other (another call and an e-mail this morning). The saddest thing is - I have to commute there, and having no means to, no car, and no prospects of driving license in the near future (as immigration is delaying my paperwork for months (last time it's been a year or so), which is absolutely necessary to get a valid local ID) I'm sort of stuck.

Had a phone interview last night, the guys were interested in me and would hire me on the spot, but - 40 miles away, it's impossible at the moment. And the salary is higher + yummy bonuses, most importantly - stuff I already do and like to do.

So - changing jobs isn't a problem for me, while transportation remains a big one. Well, nothing I can do right now anyway...
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