chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Glad there's only about 10 minutes left in the day...

Might be looking into some apartments this weekend in Boston. There's a pretty nice building right near one of the subway stops that was built by the company I work for about a year ago. It's really damn nice looking, not too pricey, and I may get a discount as I work for the company that built it. Could be awesome.

In any case, I'll let you know if you need to expand northwards, Plin.

Glad there's only about 10 minutes left in the day...

Might be looking into some apartments this weekend in Boston. There's a pretty nice building right near one of the subway stops that was built by the company I work for about a year ago. It's really damn nice looking, not too pricey, and I may get a discount as I work for the company that built it. Could be awesome.

In any case, I'll let you know if you need to expand northwards, Plin.


Congrats Kov! Boston is really nice went there for about 3 days like 5 years ago or something... it was the same time that I went to NYC. Now that's a place that i would love to live in but it's just too stupdly expensive.

Hope ye get to Scandinavia someday Kov, I recommend Norway more than Sweden hehe :) .

@LA Roque: Yeah damn global warming, imagine how it is trying to bear the heat in the tropics. With a black shirt. And being diabetic. Damn, being a 3d-world metal-head sure sucks :p :rolleyes: :erk: :cry: *dies of the heat*

Actually now that I write that, it reminds me that due to the heat I've been having hypoglycemias ( )every day now, for 3 fucking days!

That's nooot good :erk: .
No apartment hunt this weekend - she's not feeling well, so I'm just gonna take care of her and chill out.

Found out my brother is looking at doing study abroad in New Zealand next year. I tried to explain that hobbits don't really live there, but he won't be dissuaded. Anyone been there and know what it's like?


There was this girl Rayna or smth, she lives there, whereabouts are pretty cool, low-cost real estate and stuff, from what I understood, but as long as there are no hobbits there and male kangaroons have no bags - not interested and don't suggest studying in NZ (how come their universities are better than local/European anyway?) Oh, I get you: your brotha just wants to see the world before it's too late... I see, I see...

All hunt can be done on the computer anyway, you, ffn... hunter.

BTW, I made like a 120g in a day in WoW, thus I don't understand completely why you had a problem with getting an epic mount - it's like 5 days of intense grinding and AH trading (it's easy for me - I'm an alchemist).
Yeah. That's basically how long it took me. But those 5 days were spread out over about 3 weekends. I really haven't played during the week at all recently. Much easier once you hit outlands.

Oh, I forgot Rayna was from NZ. I'll have to drop her a line on the subject. And yeah, he kinda just wants to get out and see places. And no one school is better or worse for him than any other. English major.

NF: Oddly productive. I don't think it's my mood or attitude, just that people are making me accomplish things. t-4 hours, 45 minutes.

Looked at apts today. Found one, about 900 sq. ft. for about 2300 a month. One block from the subway, and I might have a chance of working directly across the street. No broker fee, no month up front, 500 for sec deposit/taking it off the market. We have it on free 24 hour temp hold right now. I'm really tempted to commit. The thing looks great.

Haha, well actually my old apartment was about the same amount, and it was a 2 bedroom (same sq. ftage, though). Keep in mind that I'm not the only one paying for it, though, so it's really just about 1200 a month for me (after cable, internet, etc.). And it has an office area that is basically about 10 sq. ft. smaller than my old bedroom, in addition to the living area and bedroom.

It's alot, but it's absolutely beautiful, and we don't really go out or spend alot of cash. We don't drink, rarely eat out anywhere fancy - and also, I won't be commuting every day (200 a month, but 40 a month here for subway pass) or taking the bus or train up here anymore (anywhere from 120-800 a month). I think the most money I've blown recently in a single day is going to be the 100 I spend each night for the two concerts.

It's alot, but I think it's doable.

It's fucking expensive.

I can have a huge loft for that money downtown.

I guess you can afford that, sounds like a BIG place, even maybe great ;)
^ Wow, $2300 a month... hehe another phorum member that's rich :p. Or maybe I'm just really poor? :p :rolleyes: Actually, the thing is that salary incomes here are so much lower than what everyone gains that you'd go 'kaput' with CRn salaries.

Hehe well hope yor fiancée is betta now Kov, and hofentlich you'll sort out yer apartment stuff. Ganbatte ne!

Well, as I said, it's about the same as the 2br I was sharing in my last two years of college, but with a better space distribution, building, and amenities. It will be the bulk of our expenses a month, I have no delusions about that, but we've been pretty good on budgeting ourselves (aside from transportation, which won't be an issue at that point).

I'm not making enough by myself to make this place truly feasible, but with her stipend from school, it shouldn't be a problem. If it was me alone, we wouldn't be looking in that range at all.

Yeah, so we put down the deposit. Could still get the application denied, etc., so it's no guarantee. They're giving us all sorts of deals because she goes to MIT, and because my company helped build the building, so that's good. I guess we'll see how it goes. The only real problem at this point is if they don't let me go on time from down here to transfer up there. Or something on my end. Anyway, back to work after a damn 9 hour seminar that no-one needed.

NF: Fuc**** great! Only a week plus a couple of days before my friend from Sweden will arrive here. NYC in two weeks ! DT in two weeks!

Kov, I need your adresses you told me about! :) Please !
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