chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Yeah, so we put down the deposit. Could still get the application denied, etc., so it's no guarantee. They're giving us all sorts of deals because she goes to MIT, and because my company helped build the building, so that's good. I guess we'll see how it goes. The only real problem at this point is if they don't let me go on time from down here to transfer up there. Or something on my end. Anyway, back to work after a damn 9 hour seminar that no-one needed.

Man, I told myself a while ago, that when I'll be able to spend ~$1500 on rent just for myself - I'll get my own place, the only problem will be only where to settle. But $2300 a month JUST RENT in some fucking Boston... I'd suggest a financial advisor, but with all this engagement-moving there chain I'd say you need a doctor :heh:

OK, let's checkpoint this and return in 7 (seven) years and see what happens.
^ Yeah, Imust agree with Plynipoo in that $2300 a month just for rent is too much... BUT, if YOU feel in yer heart that that is the correct thing to do, then go on :) . We'll (or at least I'll) be here to support ye :) .

If in doubt, why not talk things out clearly with Mrs.Kov? ( :p ), I feel that ye need to do that :) .

:headbang: :kickass:

Cahnging the subject, I bought an acoustic guitar last Saturday, so maybe I can fulfill my frustrated dream of being a musician and have my own band :) . It'll take a while, since I've only played piano before, but no guitar, yet I'm ready to overcome anything.

For glory, power and honour! *raises sword-guitar*

:headbang: :kickass: :headbang:
Well obviously I discussed it with her first :p. She's the one who's dead-set on it, and I got pretty hooked as well.

Anyway, on the new subject -

I played guitar for a while. Never really got any good at it. In fact, I kinda sucked. It's as with anything for me - I'm too afraid of the possibility of failure to attempt success. Although, there's no real repercussions to failing to learn the guitar, so I really don't know what my problem is. I think it's the same as practicing singing - I'm too afraid I'll sound like an idiot while doing it.

quick edit: I'm just imagining a sword-guitar would be rather unwieldy.

Not to dwell on this topic too much longer - this was more an exercise in seeing if I could logically defend the choice, which wound up being a moot one, as we went with it in any case - but consider:

We make enough money (combined - she gets a stipend, which will go up in June) to pay for the rent, and pay for the expenses of a rather extravagant month (the past one - between the concert tix for both, the amount I rode the train, V-day stuff, etc.). We have quite alot of money already saved, as we both worked through college, and our school was free (it's a thing with our school - everyone who got in was covered), and my parents paid for my previous apartments. We could go for a smaller place, but it's really the same size as my last place; also, we're basically paying for the convenience of being 50m from the nearest subway, and about 200m from her campus, so there's no need for a car, or the related expenses.

I think that's enough for now. I think the next time I'll actually mention this will be to post pics of the place once we're there (or if I can find ones online).

~kov. (And to clarify, I love the place too. It's not just her. She just loves it more. It's not like the place is all hot pink and I got 'convinced' to like it.)
@kov: i commend your decisions.
@plintus: just when i start thinking that you make sense, you come up with something abysmally foolish and i second-guess myself. are you doing that on purpose or what?
nf: i am tired of coding at all hours, and all these manowar songs are making me crave beer, but i think i saw the light, exactly three days before one of many deadlines. i think i have a convincing narrative. just a question of telling the story now, if i don't find anymore errors in my code.
also, today i got the down payment for the four-year let of my small flat, which means i am unusually rich given the season (no illusions - the whole of the sum will go into mortgage payments, but at least it's extra cash).
NF: Bad bad bad. Had a bad day! But it happens! :) Vacation is coming! Positiveeeeee !
And hum.. hyena: yes he probably do it on purpose! You gotta love him ;) Plintus rocks!
hyena said:
nf: i am tired of coding at all hours, and all these manowar songs are making me crave beer...
I loaded up on sugarfree Red Bull and never looked back, I feel more sick than ever without actully being sick - with all things going through my head it's explainable, too bad there's no a thing which could help me get through the day. I think it will be tens of thousands of lines of code if I ever bother to count those :heh: Oh yeah, and after 3 hour meeting with our major client, I feel like zombies were feasting on my brain since... they are making me ready to shovel millions of dollars in projects during the rest of the year. HA! After an overview of what's ahead and what's been done I'm coming to realize I'm worth 200% of what I'm being paid now... sad story, I know. I'm seriously considering a few offers, as the path I'm on right now leads nowhere, and I'm going to change that (oh, I will remain civil, no worries).

Found out today stuff I do brings some peeps rather hefty income (or potentially about to, if they are not total douches). Which makes me feel totally useful and worthy.

After last 5 years being complete waste, I'm actually happy for the first time those pills didn't work. Or they did, and I'm actually dreaming dead now? I'll never know :)
I guess new world is such a small place to lvie in. Well, just listen to this.

I check some dating web-sites (non-US), so I find that girl there. Blah-blah-blah, how are you, stuff like that, it's spring time, and she is into tennis - woot, wanna play? (I was seriously looking for a partner, as the best my retarded physically challenged flatmate can do is to plow some girl with no breasts and with ass ending around shoulders being drunk most of the time)... ANYWAY - she is not really talkative (off, and it's not me), OK then - communication ends up abruptly.

8 months later (December 30th 2006) I'm on a gig in South Jersey, partying with some friends night before and staying at one guy's place. In the morning he says - let's take a walk, and let's stop downstairs - my friend Victoria works there. Well, I meet this girl who I saw briefly summer before, I recall, we talk, I'm on caffeine (i.e. no breaks whatsoever), we talk, then I find out she draws. I take a look at her work and I'm kinda... not kinda - I'm blown away. It's mostly pencil drawings, she's been an architecture student, and themes are people and structures, but in such weird way words can't describe that. And she has a vitruvian man drawing she did herself - I want it bad till this day.

So, I talk to my friend when we leave, I ask about her. Well, I don't have that many people in my life I despise/hate/totally negative to, but why - oh, fucking, why? - she has to be going out with one of them - I have no idea. Whole relationship thing (almost over at that time, on tad after, no idea where it is now, but the least I'd want is to disrupt anything... or really would I? =)

Anyway, time goes on, and yesterday I log on to that dating resource, go back in time alittle, and I look at that girl's profile for some reason. Instantly, I come to realize that girl from online and girl from Jersey is the same person. Duh. Took me and a year to put all pieces together.

Now I need to figure out what I like more - her or her work, as I can't have everything. Some day I'll have enough $$$ to buy her art (as far as I know she doesn't sell it).

One of the drawings I saw as a basic pencil sketch - trying to get a high-res version:

Something new, I guess:
supposed to be wise comment: Listen to your heart Plinty and choose her. Love is more important than anything else (I'm not drunk, but it was a great day so I'm acting kinda drunk).
i would advise you to mistrust someone who poses with a painting as if she wants to fuck it (last pic) and rather go for the investment in art. i am however afraid that this suggestion lacks in romanticism.
What about the golden 3rd possibillity? Have some fun, drop her, invest. :loco:
right, i am done fighting with the longtable package for the night.
my computer needs immediate throwing out of the window (since it is too slow, not since i suck at latex tables).
i would advise you to mistrust someone who poses with a painting as if she wants to fuck it (last pic)
What? o_O
Does anyone else think that a woman looking like your average blonde and being an artist of that level are a weird combination or am I being hopelessly superficial again? :err:
^ No, I actually agree with ye, but then again that is just steriotypes :rolleyes: , but then again... :p .

Maybe she doesn't really paint the pics, but another guy/gal does them ans seh just uses his body to sell them :lol: :rolleyes: :loco: .
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